18- Agony

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When Draco woke up the next morning, he wished he hadn't. His head and stomach hurt terribly, and he felt so weak that he was unable to get up. The timid rays of light that slipped through the curtains hurt his eyes like knives, and the slightest noise sounded thunderous to him.

He tried to think what could have made him feel this way, and for a second, he saw the image of a distraught Astoria, the night before, holding out a glass of wine to him.

A chill ran down his spine, as terror invaded his mind.

"No way, Astoria wouldn't be able to. She wouldn't–"

But his thoughts were interrupted by the overwhelming need to vomit.

A few hours later, a healer friend of earl Greengrass visited Draco, although his examination was not very thorough. Draco had tried to talk to him, but he hadn't been able to get a word out. It was difficult for him to breathe, and even the simplest of movements was impossible for him. But his mind was still as sharp as ever, and he was thinking at top speed.

He remembered Astoria, on the first nights he had visited her. He remembered her paleness, the languor of her movements, the discomfort she felt... and compared it to what he was suffering at that moment.

But he refused to admit it. He trusted Astoria, blindly and without any qualms, and he couldn't believe that she would have been capable of poisoning him.

But his incisive brain kept reminding him, over and over again, of the young woman's expression the night before. And again, he asked himself, where is Astoria now?


Astoria stood by the door to her father's room, waiting for the healer to finish examining him as well. The young woman's gaze was lost, and deep circles crossed her pale face. She hadn't slept all night, and she had cried so much that she couldn't shed another tear. She only reacted when the healer left the room.

"The gout has affected his foot," explained the healer. "It is absolutely swollen, and it is very painful. And last night's dinner hasn't helped his condition."

"He's been complaining about pain for several days," Astoria recalled. "And last night he was in a lot of pain, but he still insisted on having seafood for dinner."

"Your father must take care of his diet from now on," the healer recited. "His condition is beginning to become chronic and may get worse. There's a good chance he'll end up losing his foot. And he will be lucky if that's all," he added, giving her a look full of meaning.

"Sir, it is very difficult to contradict my father's wishes."

"Well, he will have no choice but to obey, if he wants to see the arrival of his grandchildren."

"Don't joke, sir."

"I'm not doing it. If your father doesn't start taking care of himself, there will be nothing we can do for him," the healer took out a small notebook and wrote something on the parchment. "He should only eat light foods and plenty of water. This potion will also help him," he indicated, finishing writing, and signing the parchment. "It will reduce inflammation and pain. Three doses a day will be enough for the moment."

Astoria took the scroll.

"I am grateful to you for coming so soon."

"It's my job," he smiled, looking at her with pity. "It wasn't a good night," he commented, watching her haggard face.

"It hasn't been easy," she admitted.

"You shouldn't worry about your father, his illness is very common, and he is a sensible man who will understand the benefits that healthy habits can bring him," he consoled her. "However, you must be very careful with your husband," he added, and she looked at him with panic in her eyes. "He has suffered food poisoning that has worsened his food allergy, and if not treated well, it could get worse. If it were an extreme case..." the man shook his head, in a gesture of clear meaning.

Marriage of convenience (Draco x Astoria)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum