14- Malfoy Manor

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Things were going very well between Draco and Astoria. They were in love, they spent most of their time together, and as long as they stayed away from the earl, they could rest easy.

A week after the wedding, Draco wanted to show Astoria around Malfoy Manor. They woke up early, moved by apparition to the main gate, and advanced along the dirt path that divided the gigantic gardens that surrounded the building.

"They are really beautiful," she commented, admiring.

"My great-great-grandfather designed them," he said, very proud.

"The peacocks are real!" Astoria exclaimed, pointing to one of the white birds that shined in the sun.

"I told you they were."

"Stop bragging now!"

"No way, I've been admiring the walls of your magnificent castle for almost half a month, and now you will admire mine," he smiled.

"Why the hell did I marry you?" she joked.

"Because I dazzled you the first time you saw me."

"Literally," she agreed. "You were right in front of the window."

Draco laughed, wrapped a hand around her waist, and kissed her.

Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy were waiting for them in front of the mansion gates. They greeted them warmly and decided to take advantage of the sunny morning to show Astoria the grounds and gardens.

Lucius and Draco walked forward, talking to each other, and Narcissa took Astoria by the arm and walked alongside her. She wanted to fix the bad start of their relationship, and anyway, it wasn't a bad idea to become friends with her son's wife.

"You look excellent," she commented. And it was true; Since the poison purge, Astoria had experienced incredible improvement.

"I've recovered very quickly, although I still get tired if I stay on my feet for too long," Astoria responded. "Draco tries to get me to exercise all the time. The truth is that he has helped me a lot."

Narcissa hesitated before continuing.

"I see you very well together. You seem happy," she probed, unsure.

"We are," Astoria smiled. The way her eyes sparkled as she looked at Draco revealed that she was telling the truth.

"I'm glad," Narcissa confessed. "I have to say that I never thought that you were going to be... the right person for him," she was silent for a few seconds before continuing. "I admit that I was the first one to wish that you would get worse, and when I heard that you were going to die I... I was glad," she blushed and bowed his head. "Now I'm very ashamed about those thoughts."

"It doesn't matter," Astoria said. "It was not you who caused my illness."

"So, it's true? Were you being poisoned?" Narcissa whispered and Astoria nodded. "I can't believe it! What will you do now?"

"Nothing. I have no evidence to prove what has happened. But my father already has what he wanted, so I don't think he'll try to kill me again."

"Why don't you come live here?" Narcissa suggested. "You would be much safer. Lucius won't mind, and he and I will be delighted to have you live with us."

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. That castle is my home; My family has always lived there. My father has imposed his will in many ways, but he will not force me to leave." Narcissa looked at her in surprise. She did not expect such a burst of strength in someone with such a delicate appearance. "Anyway, if Draco wants to leave, I'll follow him," Astoria added, somewhat calmer. "He is my family now, and I will not part from him."

Marriage of convenience (Draco x Astoria)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora