16- Without options

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Draco kept his promise and sent the basket of apples to professor Slughorn as soon as he returned to the castle. While the professor found out what kind of poison they contained, Draco was more careful than ever when it came to tasting the food.

Kali had been her taster, but since the accident with the apples, Astoria had refused to allow any house-elf to be exposed to the danger of being poisoned by her. Draco understood her decision, but he didn't follow through with it. He had very clear that his wife's life was above anything, so behind Astoria's back he had at least a couple of elves taste the food they were served, just in case.

Two days later, they received a rather lengthy letter from Slughorn. The old professor had taken a special interest in doing his job well. He, like everyone else, felt a protective about Astoria, and did his best to help in any way he could.

Draco read the parchment quickly, eager to find answers, but then he had to sit down and read again, more slowly this time.

"He says it's not a normal poison," he explained to Astoria. "Apparently, what was in the apples is a very special compound, and extremely rare. It is used to tan leather, sharpen magical weapons, polish jewelry, and disintegrate metals. It's lucky that Kali took it and not you," he commented. "It would have punctured your entire stomach, at the very least. Apparently, she was protected by her magic."

"Did they want to poison me with a metal disintegrator?" Astoria asked, scared. She also had to sit down. Who hated her enough to wish her such a death? "But why weren't the apples spoiled?"

Draco skimmed the letter.

"Slughorn says that liquid only works when it is warm. It would have acted when you had ingested it, and not before," Draco stopped in horror at the thought of what could have happened. If Astoria had eaten that apple... they wouldn't have been able to save her.

"It's so horrible..." she whispered. She had gone very pale at the idea of being pierced from the inside. "But I don't understand... How did they know that only I would eat the apples? I mean, anyone could have picked one up and taken a bite. How did they know only I would eat them? Or... What if they wanted to kill us both?" she asked, terrified, looking at him. "You were a death eater; you could have enemies. How many people know about your allergy?"

"I'm not sure. Besides, the basket was in your name," Draco also had already been thinking about that. "Maybe they thought you wouldn't give them to me to try..." he suggested, although he wasn't very convinced of that. An owl came through the window and dropped a scroll onto Draco's lap.

"It's my father's," he announced, recognizing the seal. He quickly read Lucius's stylized handwriting. "Apparently, Slughorn has written to him too. He says that there is only one company in Europe that trades in that substance, and he wants me to go with him to talk to the owner. If we learn who bought the potion, we can find out who wanted to kill you."

"What if it was my father?" she asked, worried.

"I don't think it was him," Draco denied, very seriously. "He has nothing to gain from your death," he said, with overwhelming logic.

"I could blame you and denounce your family. He would send you to Azkaban accused of murder and keep your assets."

"You're right, but still, I don't think he tried to poison you again," he replied. "Think about it. If you die, he will lose any opportunity to profit from you in the future," he joked, giving her a smile.

Astoria didn't laugh at the forced joke, but she didn't try to continue arguing with him either. So, Draco left to try to find out answers, and Astoria was left alone.


For the first few minutes, Astoria enjoyed the wonderful feeling of being with no one around her, but then she began to think. Her recovery after months of poisoning had been quick and satisfactory, but she still did not feel calm. Deep down, what really bothered her was the feeling of helplessness she continually had.

Marriage of convenience (Draco x Astoria)Where stories live. Discover now