2- The marriage contract

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Narcissa demanded to see Astoria Greengrass, and the earl had no choice but to obey her. Draco wondered what his mother was thinking, because while they followed the earl, she seemed absent. Had she realized that her plans were of no use?

Lucius, for his part, was very serious, although he had not yet said anything. His son knew him well and knew how to interpret his expression. Maybe, even Astoria's illness could be used to their advantage.

The earl stopped before a door and rapped with his knuckles. A very old female house-elf, with a matronly appearance, opened the door for them, and greeted them with a bow.

"Kali, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy would like to visit Astoria," although from his tone of voice it didn't seem like he was making any request.

"But sir, miss Astoria cannot receive visitors," the house-elf protested.

"Yes, she can," Greengrass passed in front of her, and the others followed him.

Draco immediately understood that the story of the illness was true. The room was dark, and only a couple of candles allowed them to guess the shape of the furniture and the presence of the rich tapestries and curtains that adorned the walls and covered the windows. It was stiflingly hot, and it smelled of medicine, sweat, and illness. The room itself was a claustrophobic and oppressive place, and Draco thought that he too would die if he were locked in there.

Young Astoria laid in her bed, completely covered. In the dim light her features could barely be distinguished, although the withered color of her skin indicated that the disease was very advanced. Narcissa approached her and took her pulse and temperature, frowning. She exchanged a look with her husband, and both seemed to understand each other in silence.

"Do you really think there is no solution?" Lucius asked, his voice grave.

"There is little hope that she will survive, and even if she did, she would have lifelong scars," the earl responded.

"Nonsense, this girl is fresher than a rose," Narcissa protested, with such certainty that Draco looked at the sick girl again, in case he had missed something important. "Plus, she's young, and that count in her favor. Youth is the best medicine. How old is she? Fifteen? Sixteen?"

"Seventeen," the earl corrected. He looked at Narcissa, as if he were waiting to see how the conversation would develop. She exchanged another look with Lucius, and he spoke again.

"Sebastien, you are too quick to say that your daughter will not live," he said. "I don't see any reason to believe that. I'm sure she will be completely recovered in a few weeks."

"I hope it is as you say."

"Nonsense, you are being too pessimistic," Lucius insisted. "We should continue with the negotiations," he suggested, pointing toward the door. The earl and Lucius left the room, and Narcissa took the opportunity to question the house-elf.

"Tell me, how long your mistress has been sick?"

"Miss Astoria fell ill after finishing her studies," she responded meekly, bowing her head.

"When she was younger, was she very sickly?"

"No, Mrs. Malfoy! Miss Astoria has always enjoyed good health. She had iron health, ma'am. Miss Astoria was a very lively and cheerful young woman. Kali is sad to see her mistress like this."

"I have no doubt," Narcissa murmured. "But tell me, has anyone else in the family contracted the same disease?"

"The countess died years ago, for similar reasons."

"Thank you for the information," said Narcissa, very satisfied. She took her son by the arm and led him out of the room.

"Mother? What's happening?" he asked, noticing the way her eyes were shining.

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