15- A new threat

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The wedding gifts began to arrive late. Since everyone had assumed Astoria's death, they had not bothered to order presents to entertain the couple; but as it was now obvious that she had recovered, everyone had hastened to repair their mistake.

Owls and house-elves swarmed around bringing packages and returning thank you cards. Astoria no longer knew what to do with such a quantity of vases, jewelry, dresses and flowers. Some of the gifts came from Draco's old schoolmates, and were arguably in poor taste, while others were simply hideous.

However, she made an effort to respond to each sender, trying to appear grateful for the detail. One morning when they received a true avalanche of packages, Draco dragged her to the garden.

"It's over. It doesn't matter how many owls would come; I don't plan to respond to any more."

"Draco! It is our duty to respond—"

"No, it is not. And even if it were, I'm fed up with gifts and congratulations. Most of them are absolute trash, and I don't think those people are really happy for us."

"Some are."

"I do not care! Besides..." Draco completely changed his tone of voice and stopped walking so fast. "We haven't had time to be alone yet."

"No one has bothered us all morning," she protested, pretending she didn't know what he was talking about. He hugged her waist, pulling her into his body.

"I don't agree," he murmured, kissing her. She put her arms around his neck, and for a few minutes they enjoyed each other's company without anyone bothering them.

"I missed this," Astoria sighed. Draco laughed, although he then noticed the small figure approaching them.

"Kali wants to talk to you."

The house-elf carried a huge basket filled to the brim with bright green apples.

"Miss Astoria has received this gift," the house-elf announced, smiling.

"Are they only for you? Do you have a secret admirer?" Draco mocked.

"Don't be silly, they will be from some friend from school; Everyone knows that I love apples," Astoria smiled, picking one up. "And Kali is also passionate about them," she added, gesturing to the house-elf so that she could eat too. "Do you want one?"

"I'm allergic," he explained, moving away from the fruit.

"Really? I didn't know," Astoria looked at him worried. "Should I get rid of them?"

"It's okay, as long as I don't eat them, I'm fine. Besides, there will be more for you," he joked.

They walked together while she turned the fruit over in her hands, cleaning it.

"I've been thinking about taking a honeymoon trip," Draco commented. "It's also a tradition of sorts, and I look forward to it much more than opening gifts and answering owls."

"And where would we go?"

"What do you think of a paradisiacal beach somewhere warm and sunny?"

"What if we go to Nepal?"

"Nepal? What have you missed in Nepal?"

"It would be something different," she smiled. "Have you never wanted to travel for the thrill of adventure? Climb mountains, cross jungles, see the northern lights, reach remote places—"

"Are you talking about doing all that on foot?"

"Where is your sense of adventure?" she mocked. "Won't you come with me?" she asked, pouting.

Marriage of convenience (Draco x Astoria)Where stories live. Discover now