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AN: I believe that it was in Season 1 Episode 9 that Damon had mentioned how he made a deal with Emily to protect her family. I decided to explore that.

And correct me if I'm wrong (it's been a while since I've actually watched the show) but Damon never really messed with Bonnie in the beginning like he did with the others.

Yes, he's hurt Caroline (No, he did not assault her in anyway. He just fed on her. He's an asshole, yes but he has morals.)
Constantly antagonized Elena. (No he did not try to compell Elena and then try kiss her. Which also means that Elena didn't slap him.) 

In fact, he never really interacted with Bonnie. (If my memory is correct.)

Only time I can think of is that one scene in Episode 9, where he's telling Bonnie that he wants the necklace and for Bonnie to tell Emily that a deal is a deal.

He later hurt Bonnie after Emily destroyed the necklace thus breaking their deal.

In this story, Damon did not attack Bonnie after Emily destroyed the crystal/necklace. He may have been angry but he wasn't going to take it out on a witch that didn't do anything to him. Besides, in this story, he genuinely cared for Emily and considered her a friend.

So yeah, I added stuff to explore the deal between Emily and Damon.


Season 1, Episode 14: Fool Me Once. 

Stefan enters the study, looking a bit anxious. He sighed in relief when he saw Damon, he's been looking around for him for a while.

Damon was reading Emily's grimoire, not paying attention to his brother.

"Did you get my voicemails?" Stefan asked older brother. "I sent 3."

Damon rolled his eyes. "Yes, I got your voicemails. No, I didn't bother looking at them."

That makes more sense. "If Damon had known, he would have already said something to me." Stefan thought before informing his brother. "Well, they were important, next time listen. Anna took Elena."

Damon paused, "What?" He asked, wondering if he misheard.

Stefan walks across the room towards his brother. "Anna took Elena. What are you going to do if your blood hasn't passed out of her system?"

"Did you even bother looking for her? I know you hate her." Damon asked, trying to change the subject. "I bet you're just happy to pawn this off to me."

Stefan sighed. "Of course I looked for her."

Damon raised his eyebrow.

"I may not like her but I wouldn't want her or anyone else becoming a vampire if they don't have a choice. I learned my lesson the first time." Stefan said and Damon looked away from him.

After a moment, Damon sighs, "I'll help look for her around town. If that doesn't work, we may need the witch."

Stefan nodded and the two began their search around town.


Damon knocks on the front door of Sheila Bennett's home.

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