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AN: A lot of people responded, everyone but one person said yes so Elena will be bashed.

Which is good for me since I wrote this chapter a year ago (before eventually getting writers block) and I had already bashed Elena.

Now I don't have to change anything or start over!


Season 1, Episode 14: Fool Me Once

Elena wakes up, a bit groggy. She waits a moment for the lethargic feelings to leave before looking up. 

She spots Ben sitting in a chair by the end of the bed, sleeping. Realizing the situation she's in, she sits up frantically and starts to look for a way out. 

The only way out is the front door. She looks between Ben and the door, wondering if she can make it without waking him. As quiet as she can, Elena slides off the bed and steps over Ben's outstretched leg. She slowly backs up to the door, keeping an eye on Ben. 

Elena unlocks the deadbolt on the door, looking back at Ben occasionally. She turns the lock on the door and prepares to open it. Just as she was about to, a voice interrupted.

"I wouldn't." Ben said causing her to gasp and spin around, scared. Ben starts to inch towards Elena, who's worried about what he might do. He could do anything and she would be defenseless. And there's no one here to protect her.

Ben stares at her, "Don't try to escape. Don't even move. Do you understand?" Elena internally frowns, was he trying to compell her? "He must be a newbie." Elena thinks. A light bulb goes off over her head. "I understand." She says, hoping she sounds monotone. 

Ben scoffs and turns around to get a bottle of blood out of the mini fridge. "Stupid vampire." She thinks as she takes that chance to open the front door and run out.

Unfortunately for her, Anna blocks her escape. 

Anna grabs Elena by the hair and pushes her back into the motel room. "Seriously?!" She yells at Ben.

Ben looks shocked and upset, "I told her not to move! I did that eye thing that you taught me!"

Anna groans. "I should have turned someone smarter." She thought before addressing Ben. "And you forgot the lesson about vervain! She's friends with a vampire, Ben. Duh!"

Elena tries not to frown at the friends comment. She's been trying to date Stefan Salvatore since she bumped into him outside the men's bathroom and later saw him in history class. He looked like a God with his beautiful eyes and sculpted body.

He was perfect. And she wanted him.

She occasionally stared at him, hoping he would look back. She sent him signals that she's interested but he either ignored them or didn't notice. She thought it was the second.

"Why would anyone ignore me?" She remembers thinking back then. "It must be because he didn't notice." She reasoned.

The first time she asked him out, inviting him to dinner at her house, he rejected her saying that he doesn't date. So she settled to be friends, even if that wasn't what she wanted. 

"Although, it meant Caroline also couldn't have him." She remembers thinking, feeling happy.

Then she met Damon. He was just as good looking as his brother, maybe even more so with his blue eyes and bad boy attitude. She eventually decided that she would get him later on. It looked as if he was already a bit interested in her so it would be easy. 

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