1- The engagement

Start from the beginning

He didn't even want to imagine what Pansy would think when she found out about Draco's future wedding to Astoria. Although he didn't care too much either. After the war, many of his interests had changed, and the future of his love life was not among his priorities.

At last, they arrived at the Greengrass residence. It had once been a gray stone fortress, and a tall tower surviving from that time could still be seen. However, the descendants of the first Earl Greengrass had built a castle that had been enlarged and modernized over the centuries. The effect was impressive.

Four house elves dressed in uniform guided them through hallways filled with expensive works of art. Draco looked askance at the portraits posed with a dignified air, hoping to see one of his future wife. He didn't know what she looked like, or what her character would be like, and wondered if she would be as pretty as Daphne, but after a few minutes he decided it didn't matter. After all, their kind didn't marry for love.

Earl Greengrass was waiting for them in a richly decorated hall illuminated by the rays of sunlight streaming in through the large windows. Through the windows it was possible to see lush gardens and fountains. If Lucius and Narcissa had harbored any doubts about the match, they were dispelled in that moment. For no reason were they going to allow such a fortune to slip away from them.

The earl, a plump character with a receding forehead and dark sideburns, welcomed them in an elegant and cordial manner. The decorations on his robe sparkled as he limped, helped by his cane. He looked Draco up and down, although without much interest. The boy wondered if this man really cared who his daughter was going to marry, or if, like the Malfoys, he was looking out for his own benefit.

Lucius carried the weight of the conversation, and Narcissa was charming, as she knew how to, while Draco, a little apart, admired that strange art of trying to seduce a rival. Of course, neither party wanted to take too much risk with the dowry they had to offer, but they tried to sell themselves as best as possible. However, this was not very different from a normal business, and for a moment Draco had the impression that they were dealing with the sale of a property, rather than the marriage of their respective children.

When they finished talking about their magnificent estates and their annual earnings, Narcissa asked the question Draco had been waiting for.

"When will we have the pleasure of meeting the countess?" her voice was casual, and as charming as before, but the earl changed his smiling expression for a more serious one.

"I'm afraid, my dear lady, that she is feeling unwell," he excused himself.

"Unwell?" even sitting, Narcissa remained upright, showing her full height.

"It's nothing serious, she just has a bad headache," the earl sighed. "The weather change has affected her, but I hope she recovers quickly. I will send her your greetings."

Narcissa gave him a radiant smile.

"In that case, she is excused," she agreed.


"Do you really believe the migraine thing?" Draco asked his parents when they arrived at the privacy of their mansion.

"Not for a second," Narcissa laughed, taking off her cloak and nonchalantly tossing it over the back of a chair. "That poor girl must be horribly ugly, and that's why he hides her. I don't think he'll let us see her until before the wedding."

"What?" Draco asked, stunned by his mother's behavior.

"Don't worry, darling, it's probably nothing that can't be hidden with a good spell, and anyway, when you're married, you can stop seeing her as soon as you have a son," she looked over her shoulder. "Keep that in mind, Draco, men are much cheaper to marry than women."

Draco was scandalized by this indifferent superficiality. They were talking about his future!

"You're right, Cissa," Lucius said, petting his wife. "Your father almost went bankrupt with your dowry."

"But it was worth it, right?"

"I think so," he smiled. "By the way, will you talk to the earl again?"

"Definitely. One of the elves commented that Greengrass was going hunting tomorrow, so I will be able to meet the countess alone. Let's hope she is less terse than her father."


But during her second visit, Narcissa was also unable to see the countess. When she returned to Malfoy Manor, her eyes were glowing, and she paced angrily.

"But who does she think she is? To deny me an interview!"

"Maybe it's true that she's sick," Draco suggested.

"Sick? Ha!" Narcissa laughed. "That earl is very smart. I'm sure he has received other marriage offers and is also negotiating with other families. He is trying to postpone his meetings with us so that we give up and leave."

"I can think of another reason," Lucius interjected thoughtfully. "Maybe that girl is not as virginal as they want us to believe."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"She may be pregnant, and they are hiding her until they can get rid of the child."

"That would be reportable."

"Mother, it is not illegal," Draco looked at his parents with wide eyes. They had never spoken in such a manner in front of him.

"Yes, it is. Once the marriage contract is agreed upon, both parties agree to be transparent and not try to deceive each other," Narcissa explained. "If Greengrass is making agreements with other families at the same time, we have the right to ask for compensation, just as happens if he deceives us. The countess is supposed to be a healthy and intact young woman. We are going to pay a lot of money because of that, and we are not going to allow him to deceive us, no matter how nice she is."

"A contract is a contract, Draco, for both parties," Lucius added. "And if he is trying to hide something from us or plans to deceive us, we will have to bring him before the law."


And that's why, the third time they visited the earl, Lucius and Narcissa weren't as smiling or eager to please. Draco didn't know what to make of the situation and feared that Lucius would bring out his death eater streak and torture the earl. For the third time, Greengrass gave them the runaround about his daughter, but this time, Narcissa stood her ground.

"We want to know what is happening, Sebastien. Do you have something you want to tell us?" she asked. "We wouldn't want to be your enemies."

The earl looked at the three Malfoys one by one, and then sighed regretfully.

"I am very afraid that Astoria is not going to recover. She is dying."

Marriage of convenience (Draco x Astoria)Where stories live. Discover now