Sam's balls

864 3 13

Sam: my balls feel realy bad but I dont know this could be fun.

Sam walks in to his class with a smile. As quickly as his smile was as quick as it left.

Max slams his fist in Sam's balls direct hitting both balls of them as Sam's tight geans keep his balls in place.

Sam whimpers out
Sam: aaawww

Sam curls over and clutches his balls falling to the floor.

The class laughs as they see him pothedicly fall over like a woos.

He declares with a grin
Max: bet you didn't see that coming.

He says weezing looking up at max.
Sam: how? you were behind me.

With a smile
Max: I took a short cut

Grabbing his balls
Sam: oh

Sam feeling better gets him self up and holding his ball to insure no more damage. He walks over to his desk and sits down.

Max sits down next to him and smiles
Max: so that's 2 points for me.

Sam thinks to him self
Sam: why does this game hurt so mutch. Well it does make me feel funny. Oh no no now why is my pical getting excited.

The class continues as usual with everyone listening to the teacher.

The bell rings

Sam and max go to lunch

Sam walks out infont of max to make sure max doesn't have a clear shot. As he approaches the lunch line suddenly he feels a tugging then suddenly a tightening in his balls and fabric up his ass.

Max right behind Sam grabbes Sam's red brifes by the waist bad and yanked the so high the leg holes were poking out


Max quickly lets go as the wast band slaps back agenst his bad. Sam quickly turns around week nees touching each other batly able to stand.

Sam: hey thats not fair

Max playing the fool
Max: I dont know what your are taking about

Max points out to the lunch room
Max: look a girl is giggling at you

Sam looks over
Sam: were

Max quickly punches Sam in his bulge as his legs pushes out his balls due to his need touching.

Sam falls over as the lunch room laughs and mimics him holding his balls.

Sam tries his hardest to get up and keep the line moving but this time one hand holding his crotch

Max thinks to himself
Max: wow this is going to be easy I wonder if he is even trying?

Sam walk over to a corner of the lunch room as the tables are foll and no one wants the wimp to be with them

On the other hand every one wanted max to be with them as he has quick rose in popularity as people found his antics to Sam to be hilarious.

As mutch as max injoyed the attention he did feel a bit bad for Sam. He didn't want Sam to be the laughing stok of the school.

Thinking to him self
Max: well I am all ready wining with 3 points I gusses. Well maby I can let him hit me to make it look more frendly then bullying. Ya this ya other people won't mess with him if they see he can defend him self.

The bell rings

Max:oh dang I forgot to eat

Max scarfes down his food catches up so Sam who quickly covers his balls out if fear

Sam: this game is fun but can you give me a sec I don't think my family jewls have recovered the last attack and I still need to get the wedgie out in the bathroom.

Some girls next to Sam over head him quick snaped his waistband and giggled as they waked a way.

Sam blushes
Sam: ha ha ha 😅

Feeling a little proud and sorry
Max: ha ya about that I have an idea that will make things easier on you. But if we do this I win automatically.

Sam: well I gusse

Ballbusting  Neighbor (Slow Start)Where stories live. Discover now