lunch time

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Max gets a playe of food making his way to a table in the corner of the lunch room as he dosent realy know any one yet. He sits down and starts to eat his chicken tenders when a group of boys in his class notice him and sit beside him.

" hey I am Daniel and this is Josh nice work on the teacher his face was priceless"

Max proud of his work
" ya can't wait to mess with him more. Hey what can you tell me about Sam he seems a bit off when I talked to him"

"Oh him he barly talks to anyone"

" so why is that"

" he barly knows anything about the internet I hear his parents don't let him use any kind of electronics"

" realy?"

" ya imagen that kind of life"

Max finished his food and walks over to Sam who is on the floor eating a sandwich.

" oh hey am I in your way, sorry"
He says moving to let max get to the trash can

" oh no thats not what I came here for. I wanted to talk with you"

" oh realy"
Trying to hold back the excitement on his face

"Ya, is it true you can us the internet at your house?"

" ya my parents say technology is bad for me and I should only use it when nessasary like homework and typing essays for school"

" say want to know I trick I learned on the internet"

" your parents let you use the internet freely. Thats sooo cool. I would love to see it"

"Put your hands is your shirt and stick your elbows though your sleeves"

Sam dose so confused but honestly exhausted expecting a magic trick

" ok close your eyes"

Sam closes his eyes with smile

" put your hands over your face while in your shirt"

Sam dose so and asks
" ok now what"

Sam standing there arms in his shirt elbows stuck in his sleeves like chiken wings almost. When suddenly with a big woosh he feels nothing then what feels like a cold brush of air brom between his legs. He feels his pats are at his ankles and his face turn bright red. Max can be heard laughing out loud as he sees Sam standing there helpless with his underwear for everyone to see. Suddenly someone shouts
"look Sam has red tighty whites."

"Wow didn't expect you to have embarrassing underwear to" max says holding back his laughter

Sam embaesed and a shamed quickly tries to cover up but can't and curls in to a ball.

Max goes gets loser to Sam
" ok hold still let me get your arms un stuck"

Sam hesitant but he no other choice

Max fixing Sam's shirt
"There I saw that trick on the internet its called pantsing its hilarious when is not you"

Sam pulls up his pants very embarrassed
" ya I..i..I guess it is but now everyone saw my underwear"

Max relax we are in high-school every one was going to see them when we canged for gym anyways

" ya gusse you are right but it's still embarrassing in public"

" you will be fine besides you have to live a little"

"Ohh I gusse"

Max quickly shaping Sam with the back of his hand across his balls
"Thats the spirit"

Sam ceals over in pain as his family jews bounce around in his sack never feeling this much pain before in his life.

" don't tell me first time getting your nuts checked"

Sam on the cluching his balls
" ooouuuww I didn't know they could hurt this bad."

" well see you in class buddy"

Sam though the pain
" ya buddy?"

Sam even though he was humiliated and in pain was very ecstatic after being called buddy. He feels like he has made his first friend.

Later that day when Sam was walking back home some kids walked by calling him red boy, baby, or wimp.

Max walked by with a note in hand upset.
" hey so sorry about what I did a lunch."

Max handed Sam the note it was a detention notice

Max trying to look apologetic
" if you forgive me sign this and I won't get detention for a week."

Sam with no hesitation smiled
" ok"

To max's surprise Sam signed

"Realy cool your the greatest so no hard feeling"

" no I did ask for it"

Max snikers
" ya you kind of did. We should hang out though your definitely not what I expected"

Sam lights up

" ya but I can't promis i won't trick you again"

" deal"

" well see you tomorrow I need to give this to the printable. Oh one more thing" he declares as he quickly socks Sam in the balls " better get used to taking a hit" as he runs off.

Sam curls over feeling his aking balls
"Ooowwww" unsure about this new feeling he is having

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