Max's first day

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Max wakes up in his boxers and goes to brush his teeth scratching his head dazed trying to take up. After spitting out the toothpast he looks over at a clock and it reeds 7:30

"Oh crap I am going to be late"

He quickly takes off his boxers and quickly jumps in the show sending chills down his body as the cold water quickly wakes him up.

After getting dry he quickly runs out grabbing his bag and the brown bag with his lunch beside it. Right before he opens the door he realizes he forgot the get dressed. Quicky covering him self he runs back to his room and gets dressed

"Ooohh I am reaky going to be late now"

Max runs out fully dressed in his school uniform with a blue button up, dark blue thin jacket over, brown shoes, and dress shorts since its summer.

He makes it to class just in time as the bell rings with him entering his class.

The Teacher yells out
"All right everyone sit down we have a new student"

"Come to the front and introduce your self since you are all ready up" he says as he waves to max.

"Oh ok sure" as he walk fo the front of the class

" hello my name is max "

The class
"Hello max" not realy putting to much attention

"Well tell us about your self"

" I recently moved here from ligma"

" oh realy ligma never heard of that okay were is lig-"

Max declared ecstatically
"Lick my balls"

Isntely getting the whole classes attention in an uruptuon of laughter

The teacher embarrassed and dumbfounded
" ha ha very funny" he says sarcastically
" now sit down next to sam"

Max looks at Sam who is noticeably not laughing like the rest of the class catching his attention.

Sitting down next to Sam as class begins max asks

" why aren't you laughing?"

"What I don't get it. I never heard of ligna ither is it nice there?"

"What. You are kidding right.

" no realy I never heard of if"

Max says to him self

The teacher keeps lecturing until lunch.

Ballbusting  Neighbor (Slow Start)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat