4 | Warm & Cold

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We had family connections in the force, and the risks were too high. And we know for sure Amaira just didn't flee away. There was more to the situation. So Adi and I mutually decided to keep it out of any police involvement.

A myriad of emotions raced through my mind. Hope clashed with scepticism, and doubts about the legitimacy of this mysterious information lingered. "Who could know about Amaira? Why contact us like this suddenly? That too out of nowhere." I pondered aloud.

Adi's uncertainty mirrored mine. "I don't know, Samaira. The meeting is set for tonight."

As I bombarded Adi with questions, seeking answers, he admitted, "I don't know. The person just asked us to meet. I tried to trace the number, but nothing. I only got the address to the meeting place in a text."

I clenched my jaw, trying to think rationally and maintain a composed front. After a moment of silence, I asked, "Where is the address?" Adi sighed, rubbing his hand on his stubble, "Outskirts of the city, somewhere near Yelahanka." saying so he looked away.

Something felt off, and I observed him fidgeting with the keys. "You're hiding something," I stated, cutting to the chase.
Adi fidgeted when he was anxious or nervous. Sensing my insistence knowing he would no way get out of my questioning, he admitted, "I looked into the location, and it seemed shady."

"That's how shady people work," I commented looking around and taking in the surroundings and observing for any type of suspicious activity. But nothing seemed like that. My gaze locked back on him to see him shifting from one foot to the other anxiously.

"You're nervous. Again." He looked at me, sighed, and confessed, "The person said only you have to come to meet him. Only you."

Adi's revelation hung in the air, creating an uneasy tension between us as we both stared at each other. The weight of the unknown pressed against my chest, but my determination to find Amaira fueled my next question, "Why only me? What makes them think I can bring any different information or perspective?"

Adi shrugged, clearly feeling the pressure of the situation, "I don't have answers, Samaira. But they seem adamant that only you can meet them. They insisted no police, no involvement of anyone else. Not even me." he stared deep into my eyes at the last words.

A knot tightened in my stomach as I processed the information. The urgency and secrecy of the meeting raised more questions than answers. "Do you think we trust this person?" I asked, my gaze locked with Adi's.

Adi hesitated before responding, "I don't know if 'trust' is the right word, Samai. We're grasping at straws here, and I can't guarantee their intentions."

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what lay ahead. "We need to figure out why they chose only me. If there's any chance of learning about Amaira, I have to take it." The resolve in my voice masked the turmoil within.

Adi nodded in understanding, his concern evident. "Just be cautious, Samai. We don't know what we're walking into." He said as we started walking back into the hospital towards our father's room.

My attention wavered when I spotted a familiar figure strolling from the opposite side of the hospital. Recognition hit me as I noticed the khaki uniform from last night.

"What happened?" Adi asked, his arm coming around my shoulder to nudge me. I had come to an abrupt halt in the hospital corridor. Adi raised his eyebrows in question, and I shook my head, trying to dismiss the sudden pause. I attempted to remove his arm by nudging my shoulder, but he stood firm.

Eyes fixed on the floor, Adi guided me towards the room. "Adithya?" The familiar voice from last night greeted us, and I internally groaned.

It was just Adithya's friend; there was no reason for my mind to react this way. Yet, seeing Aryan raised flags in my mind, and yesterday's conversation flooded my thoughts.

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