•Chapter 33•

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As Amara stepped into the lobby of the building a shadow came in front of me. She looked up from her feet and saw Nate. Their eyes collided.

His eyes held longing while she tried to remain emotionless. Amara's heart skipped a beat as she struggled to maintain her composure. She couldn't let Nate see how much he still affected her. But as their gazes locked, she felt the walls she had built around her heart begin to crumble.

Despite her best efforts, she couldn't deny the feelings that still lingered between them. With a deep breath, she forced herself to break the eye contact and continued walking, trying to push away the memories that threatened to overwhelm her.

Nate reached out to grab Amara's arm, his voice soft but urgent. "Amara, please, we need to talk," he pleaded. But she shook her head and pulled away, unable to face the emotions that threatened to consume her. She quickened her pace, desperate to escape the turmoil that Nate had stirred within her. But deep down, she knew that she couldn't run from her feelings forever.

As Amara hurried through the lobby, her mind raced with conflicting emotions. She knew she couldn't keep avoiding Nate, but facing him meant confronting the painful history they shared. She needed time to sort through her feelings before she could even consider a conversation with him.

She couldn't control the tears that fell out of her eyes when she reached her apartment. She felt so helpless, so out of control that the only think in her control was her tears. And she hated tears. Specially after whatever happened today she needed him. The abortion laid heavy on her chest.

Their last conversation replayed in her mind. She had the chance to start their relationship, build it over emotions. But she had wasted the opportunity herself. How would she approach him now that she herself had rejected his advances.

Tears streaked her face. They fell out of her eyes uncontrollably. And then loud sobs followed. She cried laying on her couch. Amara's thoughts swirled in a tumult of regret and longing. She longed for the comfort of Nate's embrace, yet the regret of her choices weighed heavily upon her.

No matter what she couldn't take him out of her mind. Suddenly her phone began to ring. She thought of ignoring it, letting it ring and fall silent on its own. But the shrill voice was more irritating than getting out of her comfortable position.

She fished out the phone out of her bag. Dylan's name flashed on screen. And she picked it up. Surely he could do something to make her feel better.

"Hello" she sniffled and wiped her tears.

"Oh my God, you are crying. I am coming over. he didn't wait for her speak as he cut the call. She didn't want company at the moment but forty minutes later her bell rang and there stood Dylan with two tubs of chocolate ice cream and blankets.

"Time to cheer you up Amara Sullivan" Amara was taken aback by Dylan's sudden arrival, but she couldn't help but smile at his thoughtful gesture. As he made his way inside, she couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort wash over her.

"Let me put on a movie and then we'll talk" he laid blankets on floor placed cushions and pillows over it before putting on come cheesy romcom which they watched sitting together. They ate their individual tubs of ice cream.

Amara would never have eaten the tub of calories but Dylan had his way of persuading her. So now she was eating and crying and being all snotty.

"Can you tell me why are you crying?"

"My stomach hurts"

"Are you on periods" she nodded her head in negative. Amara never had any close friends so it had always been difficult to open up specially when you have mother like Amara had. She didn't know what to say or how to say.

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