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Infinite darkness surrounded them only a small flashlight illuminated their way

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Infinite darkness surrounded them only a small flashlight illuminated their way. Dogs ferociously barked in response to the chaos of police officers racing down the streets and the tons of people yelling as they ran down the streets. Sarah led them down a street close to the bell tower. They ran towards a house that was for sale. Liz looked down at the sign noticing the realtor on the front was no other than Sarah's stepmother, Rose Cameron. "We can hide in here," Sarah said.

"Are you sure it's safe?" John B questioned, the house was not too far from where they were almost caught. The police would check this place.

"Yeah, it's Rose's listing." She led them to the front door where a padlock kept a key inside. While she squatted down to put in a code Liz stood on edge looking for anybody that could see them. The last incident came too close it was messing with her mind she also hadn't slept well all day. She flinched swiveling her head at every noise."My dad's birthday," Sarah revealed when the lock clicked open allowing her to take the key out and unlock the door.

They all flinched hearing an officer from down the street. "Let's check this street. They can't be far."

They cursed running inside. Sarah locked the door back and turned off her flashlight. They sat on the floor leaning against the door away from the window. "Check the porch." Liz clenched her eyes shut tapping her fingers on her knees to keep her calm. Someone walked up to the door with a flashlight shining brightly into the small window on the door. They knocked on the door a couple of times and then tried to unlock it. When there was no answer or sign of movement the officer walked away to check another house. "They're probably headed over to the cut." The officer said. There was complete silence after a few seconds. They all sighed in relief. They were safe once again. Liz tiredly leaned her head against the wall barely able to keep her eyes open. She was in so much pain and completely exhausted.

"Let's go upstairs." John B whispered. He tugged Sarah up from the ground then turned to head upstairs. When he noticed Liz not following him, he turned around seeing her half asleep with her face pressed up against the wall. Silently he picked her up carrying her up the stairs.

Sarah led them to a room in the house. The couple decided to let Liz have the bed, it was best they all stayed in the same room in case something happened. John B tucked his sister in the bed making sure she was comfortable. She deserved a good nights sleep. He couldn't help but stare at her feeling guilty for all the trouble he caused. This wouldn't have happened if he wasn't so curious about the treasure.

Sarah came up behind him gently placing her hand on his shoulder. "Come on. It's not your fault." She led him over to the small pallet she made on the floor with large pillows and a huge comforter she got from the master bedroom. They got distracted hearing a shout outside. They looked from behind the blinds watching Rafe and Kelce storm down the street on high alert for them. "I can't believe that's my brother." She shook her head in disbelief. Sighing, John B walked over to the room door, sliding it closed.

Baby Pogue - Outer BanksWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt