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To say Elizabeth Routledge was tired was an understatement

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To say Elizabeth Routledge was tired was an understatement. Sarah and John B had to drag the teenager out of bed the next morning and force her to get dressed. She threw on a baggy light blue t-shirt and some shorts she had then flopped back onto the bed completely knocked out.

Sarah had smiled softly coming back into the room to check on Liz. Not wanting to wake her up again she decided with the help of John B to carry the smaller girl on her back.

"We're gonna melt down the bricks so they're not traceable." John B whispered to Sarah not wanting to wake his sister. They walked in the garden of the Cameron household discussing their further plans. "This afternoon we're gonna take it to the pawnshop and after that, we'll pay JJ's restitution."

"How many bars?" Sarah turned to look at her boyfriend.

"I don't know. It was all muddy." He shrugged. "It was like 500." They stopped in front of the kitchen window oblivious to their secret listener.

"500?" Sarah's eyes widen.

"I don't know. Could be a thousand." He smiled. "It was all muddy, but it was everywhere. Covered the walls! Four hundred million dollars." He stressed the amount not believing they had managed to find the gold. He looked at his sleeping sister feeling a sense of pride well up inside of him. He knew their father would be so proud of them.

"That's crazy!" Sarah laughed, trying to keep her voice down.

"We did it! Now we just got to get it out of there."

"Right. So how will we do that?" Sarah asked leading the way away from the window.

When they were near the back door Ward suddenly came out of the house smiling at the kids. "Hey."

"Hey." The awardly greeted back, pausing their conversation.

"What are you two plotting?" He smiled looking between the two teenagers.

"Uh...The... usual stuff." John B shrugged.

"World domination," Sarah replied with no hesitation.

"That's my girl, always aiming high." He gave his daughter a proud smile. "It's gonna have to wait a day though, 'cause I'm taking these kids fishing tomorrow morning." He looked at John B and then at the sleeping girl on Sarah's back.

"No, they can't tomorrow." Sarah quickly protested as nonchalantly as she could. She adjusted Liz on her back feeling her stirr slightly.

"Why not?"

"Well, because we have plans." She looked up at John B then back to her dad.

"Oh? What plans are those? Sit by the pool all day?" He retorted.


"Look, that boat needs a first mate, and they need to start earning they're keep around here, all right?" He pointed to the druthers and then to the lightly snoring girl. John B cleared his throat stepping forward to block Ward's view of Liz.

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