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Peace what was it? Elizabeth Routledge after the past few weeks couldn't tell you

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Peace what was it? Elizabeth Routledge after the past few weeks couldn't tell you. After running around trying to get the gold and potentially find her father she had forgotten what peace was like. With the waves fighting against the boat, and the loud slamming of her heartbeat against her chest, she longed to be with her dad and John B out on the marsh listening to him tell the kids stories of adventures and lost treasures. That was true peace.

The idea of running from a villain with the intent to kill sounded much cooler as a kid than it does when you're facing it head-on.

"Get back John B, get back!" Ward yelled over the wind waving the hook frantically towards the siblings. They gasped dodging the sharp object. "Get away from the throttle."

"Okay! Okay!" John B and Elizabeth put as much distance between them and Ward as they could. They leaned against the railing of the front of the ship, John B with his uninjured arm thrust out in front of them. Ward had a completely different look in his eyes, these were the eyes of a murderer.

"We're not going anywhere till you listen!" He continued to shriek slicing the hook through the air.

"Okay! Okay!" She repeated John B's words from before trembling, trying to protect her head with her arms.

"It wasn't my fault! It was your father, okay?" He thrust his finger into the teen's faces. "It was your father that tried to change-"

Before Elizabeth could drag him back John B lurched forward grabbing onto the pole of the hook, pushing Ward back with an angered grunt. "You piece of shit!" The two fought for power over the weapon, grunting and exclaiming as Ward lurched forward pushing John B right to the railing. Liz rushed forward jumping onto Ward's back reaching over him to push the hook towards his neck. She yelled out in pain when Ward started kicking his legs back in an attempt to get her off. When his attempts were futile he head-butted John B. The boy loosing his grip slipping over the railing, going tumbling down the front of the boat all the way down to the bottom level. From the sudden movement, Liz was also propelled over the railing. Her right shoulder being the first thing to hit the ground with a sick crack.

A scream fell from her lips along with tears but they had no time to recover. There would hopefully be time to worry about the pain later. She staggered to her feet pulling John B up with her good arm. He was limping on his left leg but took the lead by ushering Liz in front of him, pushing them along. They could hear Ward's feet pounding against the deck making his way to find them. They ran all the way to the end of the left side of the boat. John B bent down to the floor banging and pulling on a small compartment. When it finally opened he pulled out a radio. "Mayday. Mayday. This is the--" John B was cut off by the static whining. Liz kept on guard looking around for Ward while John B tried to get the radio to work.

"Mayday! If anybody's hearing this, this is the My Druthers!" He continued to try and get a response. Ward came out from a door to the right of John B. Liz who was on the left pulled her brother out the way simultaneously as Ward swung his hook down almost hitting his back. John B stumbled forward pushing Ward into the wall. With a swift knee to the balls, John B was sent tumbling back.

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