Chapter 23: Water and Power Outages

Start from the beginning

"We don't have much food left at home, and we can't go to the supermarket with the heavy snow blocking the doors. What should we do?"

Someone mentioned Aunt Lin.

"Aunt Lin, didn't you say everything would be fine before?"

"Yeah, I believed your words and didn't go out to buy supplies. How do we solve this now?"

"When is the government coming to rescue us? Say something!"

Facing the neighbors' questions, Aunt Lin also felt anxious and panicked.

Her inner fear surpassed that of the neighbors.

The homeowners still didn't know how the government planned to rescue them.

But Aunt Lin, through the neighborhood committee, had already received some information.

"Now the whole world is experiencing heavy snowfall, said to be a once-in-a-lifetime snow disaster

. It seems we've ushered in another mass extinction, an apocalypse!"

"Although the authorities are making every effort to support, with our country's population of over a billion, it's impossible to handle everyone."

"Several major cities in the country have already fallen!"

"To survive from now on, we can only rely on ourselves. We must stock up on supplies, especially food and heating sources."

"I've already started collecting supplies door-to-door, using the neighborhood committee's name."

"But... isn't this harming others?"

"Harming others? If I don't do this, my family will freeze and starve to death within three days! I can't afford to consider that much!"

"This snow disaster is going to claim countless lives. I can only take care of myself and my family first."

"Yes, while we still have some influence, let's quickly gather more supplies. Survival is the key in times like this!"

Aunt Lin stared at the messages in the neighborhood committee group, trembling violently.

Although the indoor temperature had dropped to over thirty degrees below freezing, cold sweat still streamed down her forehead.

She lay on the bed, covered with three thick layers of blankets, making it hard to breathe, but she didn't dare to uncover them.

Because the room felt like an ice cellar.

At this moment, her grandson Little Tiger inquired from the blanket, "Grandma, why is it so cold outside? When will Dad and Mom come back?"

Aunt Lin looked at her grandson, her heart sinking.

She had just talked to her son and daughter-in-law today.

They were both working outside the city and were now trapped in a rented room, not in a much better situation.

"I must protect us both. We must survive!"

Aunt Lin clenched her lips tightly, a fierce look flashing in her eyes.

"Little Tiger, it's okay. Dad and Mom will be back in a little while."

After comforting Little Tiger, Aunt Lin picked up her phone and started speaking in the homeowners' group.

"Everyone, the disaster is only temporary. It's not surprising to have no water and electricity in such extremely cold weather."

"Rest assured, repair personnel are already working on it."

"The authorities have issued a notice that, in these exceptional circumstances, our neighborhood committee will manage the community residents collectively."

"I hope everyone cooperates with our work. If anyone doesn't cooperate, causing severe consequences, we will request the police to arrest and interrogate them afterward!"

Aunt Lin's words were severe.

This speech aroused strong dissatisfaction among the homeowners.

They didn't expect that, at a time like this, instead of explaining why the committee had not performed well, Aunt Lin would issue threats to the homeowners.

However, fear took hold, and no one dared to voice opposition.

Zhang Yi held his phone, calmly watching Aunt Lin's messages on his phone.

He raised an eyebrow and let out a sneer.

Of course, he knew Aunt Lin was lying. In the previous life, she used this despicable method to swindle many supplies from others.

However, he had no intention of exposing Aunt Lin's tricks.

In any case, whether the neighbors lived or died had nothing to do with him.

Zhang Yi turned on the TV and continued playing his game.

No water, no power?

No problem. He stored a massive amount of backup batteries, engines, fuel, and solid alcohol in his warehouse.

As for water, he had stockpiled 500 tons of tap water alone, not to mention tens of thousands of tons of mineral water and beverages in the warehouse.

Moreover, when necessary, he could melt snow to obtain water.

In short, whether it was freshwater or energy, he lacked nothing.

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