Volume 3 Chapter 1: Family Reunion!

Start from the beginning

Sakura skid to a stop only to see the giant cherry blossom tree residing in the middle of the two clans. She looked up at the majestic tree, it was lush and just as beautiful as when she first made it grow. She heard several footsteps approaching her from behind as they all shouted out her name. "Sakura!" Three old men with white hair and big smiles greeted her warmly. She turned around only to be pulled into a group hug.

She stumbled backwards breathing heavily as tears streamed down her face coming from her right eye. "Sakura!" She heard Kakashi shouting out her name. He slowed down at the sight of three elders of the leaf. He went to grab her hand to get out of their way. But then she said happily still crying,"You managed to change the history of the leaf for the better. I'm so happy." "You say that but why are you crying?" Madara said bluntly. "Because my friend is missing. The one who's supposed to be like Hashirama. Whenever I changed the past my current self didn't have my current disposition. Or my abilities. So now he's marked as a rogue Ninja and enemy of the leaf. And Orochimaru plan is still being put in place to get a perfect vessel. I have to…" Madara rested his hand on her head. "Take a deep breath. And calm down your heart. Think about what you are saying. You aren't alone. You aren't going to be abandoned." She looked up at the three of them and they saw her as her. She wasn't a stranger but their family. It's been many years but she was the same Flora they once knew. "You are right Mad-kun. I have you three and my remaining team to figure out what to do next. We should speak to the current Hokage about the changes and what the timeline should have been." She turned to look at Kakashi. "You should come too. Oh if Jiraya is still here. He should be at that very important meeting. Oh yeah by the way, Mad-kun and Tobi-kun? Where's Flora's kids?" They both looked at each other and then at her a little embarrassed. "There's no need to embarrassed, you damn bashful bastards." She winked at them cheeky. Kakashi was beyond confused and a little concerned. "They are working right now. Do you want them to be at the meeting too?" Tobirama said sternly. "Sure why not. I don't want to lie any longer to my kids about why their mother is MIA. My third eye should be enough to help explain what happened. You three have my back if they react badly, right?" She held out her clenched fist. They all without any hesitation gave her a group fist bump.

Minato, Jiraya, Rin, Obito, Kakashi, Madara, Tobirama and Hashirama stood there on the room waiting for the rest to arrive. Sakura was leaning up against the Hokage desk casually. Everyone was severely confused about why she was acting so drastically different. Sakura began to hum a old tune from her former life. It was soothing and very nostalgic to those who knew Flora.

That's when Flora's Uchiha twins entered the office only to hear that tune. It was a perfect match tone, rhythm, and pitch to what their mother used to hum to lul them to sleep as kids. The instant they stepped inside they looked ahead they locked eye contact with Sakura Haruno and immediately felt an spiritual connection to her. "Renji Uchiha & Kaisen Uchiha, the twins of the legendary Flora Senju. Before I begin speaking. Let's wait for your half brother Sven Senju." They both looked at her with surprise. A few gasps left people's mouths. "Oh that's right, that was supposed to be a family secret. My bad." She shrugged and then the instant the last brother entered the room it was blocked off by tree roots. Her third eye opened and everyone got on edge except for Madara, Tobirama, Minato and Hashirama. They all moved to protect her from being attacked by the others. "My friend Naruto Uzumaki is my responsibility. I'm going to bring him back home after I become a Chūnin with Sasuke. We from team 7 are bring him back. And if I can't then it's our responsibility to kill him. I refuse for anyone else take that responsibility from me. Now that I have said my peace about Naruto. I'm going to show you all what I sacrificed for all of you here to be here today." They all were hit by a shockwave of emotion before seeing her entire story before reincarnating, her life before changing the past, what she did the past as Flora Senju, and what happened after changing so much in the past.

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