13 | Happy Valentines Day

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"Yeah. We was tryna do some breakfast in bed type shit. I ain't know it would be that hard or I would've just ordered iHop." He shook his head, and Autumn laughed at how stressed he sounded.

"The effort was there, so, thank you." She chuckled, bending over to open the dishwasher.

"Daddy! Come take me a bath!" August yelled from his bedroom just as Dayvon took a step closer behind Autumn.

"Twin ass a straight cockblocker man." He smacked his lips, making her laugh again.

An hour later, Dayvon was getting August dressed in his outfit for the day. He knew that Valentine's Day was considered a couples holiday, but he'd spent every one with August since he was born. He was grateful that he could spend it with both August and Autumn this year.

August's outfit consisted of gray washed jeans and a white hoodie with matching Jordan 12s. His dreads were also covered with a gray beanie; basically, he was dressed just like his father, as always.

When they made it to the kitchen, the air no longer smelled burnt. It smelled like lavender now, which was a result of the freshly mopped floors. The sink was empty and the countertops were sparkly clean.

Breakfast was plated for them on the table; fluffy French toast, sausage patties, cheesy eggs, breakfast potatoes, bacon, and pancakes. The nicely made plates were accompanied by a cup of orange juice.

"Mommy why you taking my clothes off, girl?" He held his arms in the air, letting Autumn remove his hoodie and his shirt.

"Because you be eating like you ain't got no sense." She told him, folding both items up, then she hung it over the couch.

"It's 'cause your food be good so really it's your fault." He picked up a French toast with his bare hands after drowning it in syrup, literally proving Autumn's point.

"You not eating ma?" Dayvon asked her, watching her sit at the table with no plate in front of her. She held up a can of sliced pineapples, making him roll his eyes. She would fix a whole five star meal for breakfast every day but only ever ate fruit instead of what she cooked.

"Go get dressed so we can leave when we done." He used his fork to pick up some pancakes that were already cut into small pieces for him.

"What should I wear?"

"It don't matter ma. You see what I got on." He gestured to his casual fit; it was damn near identical's to August, except he wore black instead of gray.

Autumn stood up out of her seat after nodding, and as she walked past him, he reached over to grab a handful of her ass after realizing she wasn't wearing any pants.

She only shook her head at him, deciding not to fuss at him since August hadn't seen what he did.

"Ok daddy. I'm all done." August licked all of his fingers about ten minutes later, his plate now wiped.

"Aight, hurry, let's wash yo' hands and set her stuff up before she come out." Dayvon picked him up, both of them clearly eager to set Autumn's gifts up in the living room.

He would've set them up on the bed, but he knew Autumn would get ready in the bathroom after showering because she hated getting dressed in there. So, the surprise would've been ruined. The living room worked better.

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