Chapter 4: He who lurks in the shadows

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POV: 3rd person

Location: Midgar Castle.

"The choice is yours princess Iris."

Deathly silence hung in the hall. Each of the occupants lay still, in fear of the swords of the dark-cloaked men who oppressed them.

Nobody noticed the disappearance of a boy with black hair.

"P-princess Iris, it's no use w-we are no match." A wounded royal guard spoke out to her. The previous battle had been decided almost immediately, the dark-cloaked men easily overpowered the defences of the knights and the entire hall was rendered under complete control.

"Shadow garden you..." Iris clenched her teeth in anger before reluctantly dropping her weapon to the ground. She understood the predicament that she was in.

"Haha...a wise choice, with your royal blood I am sure to be rewarded greatly. Of course I would've settled for princess Alexia just as well, but I am sure that you would rather spare your beloved sister in exchange for yourself, wouldn't you Iris Midgar? All this is your fault, and the only way to save your helpless people is to cooperate with us now."

She looked over at the unconscious body of her sister who lay crumpled on the ground in the aftermath of the previous chaos.

"Leave her out of this... I will obey your wishes."

"Wha- princess!"

"Princess Iris."

"What are you-"

"But Princess Iris!"

"Silence. Your little beloved princess, has just admitted total defeat to us so quit your pointless whining."

"L-lady Iris, I-is that true?!" The crowds looked at her in disbelief.

"... I am sorry to all of you. I have failed my people by being too weak..."

The terrorist boss gave a wild grin, as if he was enjoying the scene unfold.

"Heh... An excellent response. Now eradicate all the witnesses immediately. Leave none spared."

"What but you said-"

Screams erupted from the crowd as a one sided slaughter began.


"S-stay away!"

"N-no please don't"

Blood stained the polished floors of the halls

"Why.. no..."

"Really, how foolish to believe in such a fairy-tale ending. Did you really think that you'd be so lucky? I did mention that I only needed one holder of royal blood, however if I am able to capture both princesses of Midgar, I will be sure to be finally promoted to a position worth my strength. And now that you have so generously handed yourself over to me, I have no use for the ignorant masses anymore."

"Y-you.. How could you!" Anger exploded on her face.

"Oh? And now you wish to fight? Need I remind you that you are completely powerless and worthless to stop this. Once all witnesses have been eliminated, I will have no use to meddle with the affairs of this pathetic country anymore. So rejoice, your actions today will have saved many of the innocent public." He continues to taunt her with a sadistic smile on his face.

The Eminence In Shadow: Midgar WarWhere stories live. Discover now