Chapter 3: Epic events call for drastic measures.

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POV: Cid

Location: Midgar kingdom, Midgar Castle.

"Ok Cid, when we go in have to go leave for a meeting.  I don't want you wandering off or getting into trouble when I am gone, alright?"

"Yes ma'am." Almost certainly not. I mean I did get a free invite to this extravagant event for free so it would be a shame not to make the most of it.

But right now I must remember that I am in background character mode. I have been playing the centre of attention as of late so I will have to make sure to dial it down for this occasion.

"Ok bye Cid."

"Yea sure bye ."

Wow, I'm not even inside and red carpets, golden door handles and important looking individuals walking arm in arm. I already feel like a celebrity. Midgar tax money has been well spent it seems.

I walk towards the front entrance which was a set of grand double doors. 

Let's check this place out shall we?


High ceilings adorned with intricate chandeliers and sweeping floors of polished wood. Luxurious dining areas decorated with blooming flowers and grand statues. Ornate hand crafted chairs lined with red velvet and walls framed with majestic art pieces. Now this is my kind of place. 

And now straight to the main focus of tonight's outing.

This exotic food selection looks delicious!

They do say food tastes better when made from your own money. But I'd like to propose an alternative theory, because enjoying all this expensive food for completely free, tastes divine. Fufufu... I really hit the jackpot with this outing.

All the tasty food I can eat and all the loaded nobles I can loot.

Indeed a suave place like this, will inevitably attract many posh aristocrats who are ripe for the pillaging. Jewels, cash, diamonds... I will be making bank tonight.

This is such an instance where being the background character in the room pays off dramatically. For example,

"Oh sorry just passing."

I walk passed a group of noblemen.

"And thank you for your donations..."

Sorry sis, but I definitely will be getting into some trouble tonight.

I walk over to the centre of the hall where all the posh individuals were crowded around.


That sound.

Claude Debussy's piano piece, 'Clair de Lune' if I am not mistaken. 

I'd say it is one of my favourite compositions from my past life. Clair de Lune, meaning moonlight, really gives of a calming feel of the moon brightly shining on a dark night. 

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