Wealthy Old Man 8

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Lu Yanzhou knew why Xie Chengze asked him this, he must have wanted to give him money.

If Xie Chengze's physical condition is very bad, then he will take the money no matter what, and then help Xie Chengze accumulate enough merit as soon as possible.

But now Xie Chengze's physical condition is relatively stable.

The second thing is...Tan is eyeing Xie, so there's many places where Xie Chengze can use the money.

Even if he wants Xie Chengze to spend money in exchange for merit, he should wait until Xie Company's crisis is over.

The most important thing is...he has been making money crazily during this period, and has actually paid off his debts.

"I did have debts before, but that's nothing to me. I fell in love with you at first sight, so I moved out of the house and used this as an excuse to get close to you." Lu Yanzhou said with a smile.

Xie Chengze's face was a little hot: "I am so old, but you still fell in love with me at first sight..."

Lu Yanzhou said: "I like you like this."

Xie Chengze kissed Lu Yanzhou and suddenly realized that Lu Yanzhou, as an orphan, may lack love so he is like this.

Many people who lack fatherly love will find partners who are several years older than themselves. Is this the case for Lu Yanzhou too?

It was getting late. Xie Chengze wanted to find a place to have dinner with Lu Yanzhou, but Lu Yanzhou refused: "AZe, I still have some unfinished work today. Let's go home for dinner. I'll cook for you."

"Okay." Xie Chengze agreed, but he was a little curious, "What work have you not finished?" Lu Yanzhou leaves early every day, but he still needs to work overtime from home?

"It's nothing, just something trivial." Said Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou obviously didn't want to say more, so Xie Chengze didn't ask any more questions.

The food Lu Yanzhou cooked...he was quite looking forward to it.

During this period, Lu Yanzhou cooked breakfast and lunch for him in different ways every day. The food he made not only tasted good, but was also rich in nutrition. He wondered how Lu Yanzhou developed such good cooking skills at such a young age.

In the evening, while Lu Yanzhou was cooking, he said some bad things about Tan Shaojun to Xie Chengze, telling Xie Chengze to beware of Tan Shaojun.

Jiang Mi...Lu Yanzhou had seen the original owner's memory and probably knew what kind of person he was.

He was well protected by his original owner. Although he was an orphan, he lived a carefree life since he was a child and developed a good temperament. In addition, he was cute, so he was naturally lovable.

But peeling off this shell, Jiang Mi actually has many problems, such as vanity.

The original owner's job was in sales, so he knew all the rich people. All his peers loved to compare with each other, so he gave Jiang Mi a high living allowance at the beginning.

But at that time, he was not prepared to buy expensive clothes and shoes for Jiang Mi. Even the original owner wanted to save money to buy a house.

It was Jiang Mi who intentionally or unintentionally mentioned what others eat and use, and also showed disappointment at the right time...The original owner liked him and didn't want to see him feel uncomfortable, so he bought him this and that.

And Jiang Mi accepts all this naturally. It can only be said that he is not only vain, but also selfish by nature.

But no matter how selfish Jiang Mi is, he has never done anything illegal. In contrast, Tan Shaojun is a bit ignorant of the law.

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