kid in the spider's web

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"Harper, where are you?!"

Harper tried to ignore the obvious anger in Tanya's voice. She knew the girl was just worried, but damn, Harper was not trying to get on her bad side.

"I'm just running a little late-"

"Again, Harper?-"

Oh god, not the full first name again.

"-You've been late almost everyday the past two weeks- what is up with you?"

Harper tried to come up with some sort of excuse. "I've been sleeping in, forgot to set my alarm- and uh, there's traffic and stuff."

"Harper," Tanya said firmly.

"I'll be there soon, okay? I promise."

"Please don't be getting into trouble."

"I'm okay, Tanya, I swear. I'm always okay."

Harper hung up and shoved her phone in her pocket as she sprinted down the street. This time, she was actually just running late- not trying to stop some sort of petty crime. But she was doing that last night, and she went to bed late, slept in...


No new info about those guys yet, or about the files- Harper had been running all over New York looking for anything she could get her grubby little hands on.

And the one time she saw Spider-Man, she had just missed him- so no chance of just handing over the files and letting him handle it.

But she didn't have time to worry about that. Harper had to get to school or she'd be late for the third day in a row.

Harper kept running despite the exhaustion in her body. What kept her going was the fear of getting a call home.

...And the fear of disappointing her best friend.


"Harper Alvarez, please report to the principal's office. Harper Alvarez, please report to the principal's office."

Harper was barely able to take a step into her second period class before she heard the announcement over the speakers. She closed her eyes, sighing in annoyance, and turned on her heel, starting toward the principal's office.

She saw her brother through the window of the office and internally freaked out. If they had called her brother, she was probably in some serious trouble. Harper painted a smile and stepped inside.

“Mx. Alvarez, you're late. Not unusual for you," Principal Diaz said.

"I'm sorry," Harper said as she took a seat next to Benjamin, "There was a lot of traffic near my neighborhood."

Diaz nodded, but Benjamin had a look that was...less than understanding. Harper let out a breath.

"So you're skipping classes now?" Ben asked, tone stern, arms crossed.

"I'm not skipping," Harper said, "Just-"

"Let me explain," Diaz interjected. Harper and Ben turned to him. Diaz folded his hands and placed them on the table. Then he slicked his hair back with one hand and cleared his throat.

"Harper has been late to school almost everyday this week and last. As you know, here at Brooklyn Visions, tardiness is unacceptable. I gave Harper a warning last week, but as this behavior had continued, we've made the decision to suspend Harper-"

"Suspend?!" Benjamin's eyebrows furrowed in disbelief, and he glanced at Harper, as if expecting some answers. Harper shrugged, confused, but she probably knew a suspension was coming.

Marvel's Kid Arachnid: Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now