itsy bitsy spider

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Sunlight peeking through the window rose Harper from their sleep. The night before, they decided to simply rest and hope that whatever they were going through would magically disappear by the time they woke up.

And unfortunately- you probably guessed this- they were wrong.

Feeling sluggish as usual, Harper went to the bathroom to complete their morningly deeds such as tiding their hair and brushing their teeth. They grabbed the toothpaste and attempted to squeeze out the necessary amount but ended up splattering it all over the mirror. They opted for wiping it off with their toothbrush.

They reached for the water faucet and accidently ripped it off the sink. Water began to spew everywhere and Harper let out a yelp as they tried to find something to stop it. Several towels did the trick, for now, anyway. Like before, they had to gingerly turn the door knob to leave.

When Harper walked back into their room, they heard their phone ringing. They took it and saw the contact- Tanya. Harper accepted the call and put their phone on their bed as they looked for something to change into.

"Morning, Tanya," they said, cycling through their clothes.

"Hey, Harper, how're you feeling?"

"I told you, I'm feeling fine. I'm still up for F.E.A.S.T today."

"If you say so. You did promise me you'd come." Tanya softly chuckled.

Harper smiled, at Tanya's words and since they found their favorite shirt. 'I <3 Hombre Araña'. "I did. I've never actually done volunteer work before."

"It's not super complicated. There's this guy who works there that showed me the ropes when I first volunteered. Plus I'll be there to help you out, of course."

"Mhm," Harper said. "You owe me for waking me up so early." They joked.

"I'll buy you some gummy bears, how's that?"


Harper slipped on their shirt, baggy pants, and colorful sneakers that had been subjected to Harper's art supplies. "I'm headed over there now," they said as they picked up their backpack. "See you soon."

"See you, Harper," Tanya said, then hung up.


The F.E.A.S.T shelter, run by Martin Li and May Parker, was what many people who were previously on the street called home. A place like this could never have too many volunteers. When Harper found Tanya, she was bringing boxes of supplies inside along with some guy that Harper assumed was who she mentioned earlier.

"Harper!" Tanya set down her box and eagerly hugged Harper with a smile on her face. With a short laugh, Harper returned the hug.

"Hey," they said. "Glad to see you too."

Tanya pulled away, hands on Harper's shoulders. "So-" with one hand she gestured toward the other person, "-this is Peter Parker, the guy I mentioned."

Peter extended his hand toward Harper with a polite but happy smile. "Nice to meet you, Harper."

Harper shook his head. "Nice to meet you."

"We're here bringing in boxes, but my Aunt could use some help in the kitchen if you're willing."


"Follow me, then."

Peter began to lead Harper to the kitchen, walking slightly in front of them. After a few moments he tried to come up with conversation.

"What's on your shirt? Like, what does it mean?"


Peter raised his eyebrows in pleasant surprise. "Oh? You like the spider?"

Marvel's Kid Arachnid: Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now