Start from the beginning

    "I was hoping that I would see you" Steve spoke to you with a smirk played on his face as you smiled.

    "Oh yeah, last night was really fun, we should do it again sometime" You spoke only really recalling the party part Steves's smile grew a bit bigger as he chuckled a little to himself.

    "Yeah, would have been way more fun if Stu didn't interfere" He spoke with a bit of a tone when he said Stu's name, you remembered Stu sitting and talking to you on the couch but other than that he didn't ruin anything.

    "I mean he didn't interfere" You spoke as the boy looked at you with a raised eyebrow as you felt an arm wrap around your shoulder finding Billy standing next to you.

    "Hey pretty boy, how's Casey doing?" Billy spoke to the boy who stood before the two of you as Steve turned on his heels leaving the two of you standing there.

    "What was that all about?" You spoke up to the boy who randomly walked over as you shrugged his arm from around your shoulder.

    "That guy is just an asshole, I wouldn't hang out with him if I were you" Billy spoke as he gave you a little pat on the back before walking away you felt more confusion running through your veins but shrugged it off as you made your way out of the school and started your walk home.


    "Look I know I haven't worked here in a year, but I can still read Randy" You spoke as he was giving you the rundown of where each section was that had clear signs hanging over them to allow customers to know where they were looking.

     "I was just trying to help you out" Randy spoke putting his hands up in defense as you laughed a bit at how much he mansplained a pretty simple job.

    "I got this Randy, it's not that complicated" You spoke to him as the two of you started putting all the shelves together alphabetically starting the action section and making your way to the horror section.

    "I remember this one" You spoke laughing to yourself as you looked at Randy with a small smile as you turned the title so that Randy could also see it.

     "We watched that before you left, your going away marathon" Randy spoke as you recalled that day so vividly. You, Randy, Sidney, Tatum, Stu and Billy. Before anything got complicated before you were confused about your feelings...

    "What a day" You spoke nostalgia running through your brain as you heard the bell ring that someone was entering the store. Randy left the rack walking towards the counter as you kept putting titles on the shelf. It sounded silent throughout the store making you raise your eyebrow as you looked around not seeing anyone.

    "Randy?" You called out in a confused tone. You were about to shrug it off when you felt an arm wrap around your waist and one hand on your mouth as you were about to leave the isle pulling you back in as you flailed. The arm quickly released you as you turned coming face to face with Stu as you punched him in the arm.

    "What the hell Stu!" You scolded him as you straightened up your clothes and he rubbed his arm where you punched him. He was in the process of laughing at you and how scared you were but of course you were scared you thought you were about to be killed.

     "Not funny Macher" You spoke in a serious tone as he proceeded to laugh at you as he was just then pulling himself together.

    "What are you doing here anyway" You spoke in an annoyed tone as you watched Randy run over looking at the movies you had hit off the shelf during your fight for life.

    "Just came here to get a movie for me and Tatum, a prime opportunity to get in a little spook" Stu spoke with a smile painted on his face as you shoved him beginning to pick up the movies with Randy that you had knocked all over the floor.

    "Oh come on forgive me" Stu spoke with a pouty lip as he crouched next to you causing you to roll your eyes at the boy.

    "Whatever Stu just get the movie" You spoke as you were reracking all the hard work you had just done. Randy gave you a look as Stu proceeded to look around for a movie another bell rang making Randy walk out from the shelf again as you continued to pick up the mess.

    "Y/N?" You heard the voice of the brunette you had run into in the hallway speak as you looked up meeting the eyes of Steve.

    "Oh, hey Steve" You spoke with a smile as you stood up looking at him as you saw him give you a once over... what was with him and looking you head to toe? anyway...

     "Wasn't expecting to see you here" He spoke with his pretty smile as you played the movies that remained in your hands on the shelf.

     "Yeah, just helping out while Randy's coworker is away" You spoke as you didn't want to meet the eyes of the boy as you remembered Billy's words about avoiding him.

     "That's nice of you" He spoke as you nodded turning to walk away as you would respond.

     "That's me, Miss Nice" You spoke as you began to work on a different shelf that he followed you to.

    "Something wrong?" The boy spoke as he gently moved your chin to look at him in the face rather than your attempt at avoiding. Before you could reply you watched as Stu walked over pushing the boy away from you as Stu had the front of the boy's shirt bunched up in his hand.

    "Stu!" You called out as Steve wore a cocky smile at Stu who had his fist raised in the air. His arm held plenty of tension in it as he looked over at you before releasing the boy's shirt. All you heard was Steven chuckling as Stu unballed his fists brushing off Steve's shoulders as Steve gave him a look.

    "Get your dog under control" Steve muttered to you as he walked past you. You felt your blood boil at this comment as you tapped his shoulder watching him turn around as you punched him square in the jaw. The boy looked as if he was going to swing back when he caught a glance of Stu standing just behind you and Randy only a couple of feet away.

    "You don't know who you messing with doll" Steven spoke as he pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. He proceeded to grab the closest movie to where he stood before walking over to the counter where he checked out and then exited.

    "Asshole" You grumbled as You watched Stu walk over giving you a pat on your back.

     "Good hit doll" Stu spoke mocking the way Steve called her doll. She rolled her eyes at the ball as he walked over to the counter making his rental before exiting the store as well.

    "How is it that your first day back in this store you almost caused two fights" Randy jokingly scolded you as you laughed lightly bumping into him as the two of you were soon getting back to shelving other genres of movies.

    After a couple of hours of shelving, cleaning, and renting out movies you and Randy were now in the closing process. As the two of you were closing you noticed police cars rushing by along with an ambulance. You raised an eyebrow as you looked over at Randy who looked just as confused at what was happening.

    "I'd better walk you home tonight" Randy spoke as he had just finished counting money and was grabbing your jacket and handing it to you as he also pulled on his guiding you out of the store. Once he finished locking up you two were on your way in the opposite direction of where the cars had gone. But all that you could think about was how strange it was seeing as no crime had been committed since Sidney's mother almost a year ago...

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