Chapter 1

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Mary's POV

It's been a few days since I ran away from my old house. Now, you maybe wondering why I ran away. Part of it was because the human was dangerous but it was mostly because my parents are very mean to me. The day I was born, my parents thought I was a mistake and always compared me to my brother, David. I ran away after my parents threatened to kill me after one little mistake and I'm only 6. I was really hungry at this point because I haven't eaten in days so I decided to the kitchen to go get some food since the humans were nowhere to be seen. At least that's what I thought. Once I got to the kitchen, I smelled something so good coming from the table. It smelled like pasta and vegetables which I absolutely loved. I used my hook to climb onto the table and saw it was bowtie pasta with marinara sauce paired with carrots and broccoli. I couldn't go any longer without food so I climbed onto the plate and started to take a bite of one piece of pasta which caused me to get covered in sauce but I didn't mind due to how hungry I was. That's when I felt the ground begin to shake which meant a human was coming. I quickly got off the plate and climbed off the table and hid behind one of the table legs. I looked up to see a human with black hair, blue eyes, pale skin, wearing a red and white shirt, blue jeans, and red converse. He looked like he was in his late teens or early 20s and is very tall. Not just from my perspective but taller than any human I've ever seen. I hid as he sat down but I started shaking when he started yelling. "What the hell?! Why is there a bite in my pasta?!" I covered my ears as his voice roared like thunder. I felt the ground shaking as another human with red hair came in and this one looked like to be his mother. "Danny, what's wrong?" Asked his mother who looked worried. "There's a bite in my pasta! I leave the room for a few minutes to go to the bathroom and now my pastas ruined!" I tried my best not to cry afraid that he might kill me if I do. "Danny, it's ok. I can make you some more pasta and I can check to see if we have mice or rats." I began to shake even more as his mother started to look around. "I'm just gonna go to the living room. All I wanted was to relax after an entire day of fighting ghosts and my dinner gets ruined. This just isn't my day." I felt so bad for angering the man as I saw him leaving the room. I now started to cry not caring if his mother heard me until her eyes landed on me.

Maddie's POV

I felt so bad that Danny had a bad day but he didn't need to take it out on me. I was gonna tell him off but I didn't wanna push it any further because I know he's hard time lately especially the ghost keep wanting to pick a fight. I was going to throw Danny's pasta away until I heard someone crying. I looked down to see something very small thinking is a mouse but it turned out to be a tiny girl no older than 6 years old. I knelt down so I wouldn't be so intimidating to her. I looked closer to see that she had sauce on her which meant she's the one that took a bite from Danny's pasta. She must've been really hungry as she looked like she hadn't eaten in days. I reached out but she screamed in fear. "Please don't hurt me! I didn't mean to eat your son's pasta! I was just so hungry and haven't eaten in 4 days!" I felt my heart break at the fact she went 4 days without food. Poor thing thought I was gonna kill her for eating Danny's food but I knew she was hungry. "Hey, shh, it's ok. I won't hurt you, sweetie." I gently scooped her in my palms trying to calm her down. "How did you get here? You should be at home with your family." I spoke softly so I won't hurt her tiny ears. "I-I ran away from home. My parents don't like me and think I'm a mistake." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This poor girl was abuse by her own parents and came here to find shelter. "I am so sorry, sweetie. No wonder you're so lonely. What's your name?" I asked trying to comfort her. "It's Mary." She introduced herself. "It's so wonderful to meet you, Mary. I'm Maddie." I can still tell she was scared. "Would you like to stay with us? I promise you'll be safe here." I said. "What about your son? Is he gonna hurt me?" Asked Mary worried about Danny. "No. He's not gonna hurt you. I know he's angry right now but he's a very gentle soul. Why don't I take you in the living room so we can explain what happened. I promise he'll understand if we tell him." She agreed and I gently covered her in my hands so I can reveal her to Danny at the right moment.

Danny's POV

I didn't mean to get so angry but I've just been so annoyed lately due to the fact that I haven't been able to relax this week due to how many ghosts were picking fights. Don't get me wrong I love my job and I love helping people but it's been taking a toll on me. I wanted to enjoy my pasta and vegetables but I couldn't knowing something took a bite out of it but I don't know what. "Hey, Danny? Can I talk to you?" I looked up to see my mom come in. "Yeah. I'm really sorry for snapping at you. I just wanted to relax after having the worst week ever." I said trying to stay calm. "I don't blame you, sweetie. I know you've been having a hard time lately but I actually wanna show you what was eating your pasta." Said mom. "What was it?" I asked as I wanted to know. "Promise me you won't freak out?" Asked mom. "I promise." I said honestly. "Well, it was this sweet little girl right here." My eyes widened as my mom opened her hands to reveal a tiny girl crying in her hands. "This is Mary. She's only 6 years old." Said Mom bringing her closer to me. "How'd she get here and why did she eat my pasta?" I asked worried about Mary. "She ran away from home because her parents were treating her poorly and she hasn't eaten in 4 days and couldn't wait any longer." That's when my heart began to break. Not only because Mary was abused by her parents but also from the fact that I got so mad I thought my dinner was ruined by mice, rats, or bugs when it was just a tiny 6 year old girl who went without food for 4 days. Poor thing must've been so scared when I got mad that she probably thought I was going to kill her and all she needed was food. I looked at Mary who was still crying in fear and finally spoke. "You poor thing. I didn't know how hungry you were. I scared you, didn't I." Mom gently handed Mary over to me. "Shhh, it's ok, little one. I'm not gonna hurt you." I gently held her in my hand. "Come here. You need a hug." I brought Mary to my chest and gave her a gentle hug. I can definitely feel how much pain, fear, and suffering as my ghost sense how much pain someone is in. "You've been hurt for far too long and all because of bad parents. We won't let you suffer anymore. You can stay with me and my family."

Mary's POV

I was really surprised at how kind and gentle Danny especially after how angry he was earlier. He was bigger than his mom which was really terrifying but he has the gentlest hands I've ever felt. And now he wants me to stay with him and his family which was really nice. "I promise to keep you safe, loved, and protected." I hugged his thumb in response. "Aww. That is the cutest thing I've ever seen." I giggled in response to Maddie calling me cute. "Why don't we go share the pasta and vegetables. I can't have you starve anymore." I looked up at him. "You mean it?" I asked. "Of course. And my mom and I baked homemade cookies for us to have afterwards." I hugged Danny's thumb again which made him chuckle. "You are just so tiny and adorable." He said as he took me to the kitchen, placed me on the table, gave me a separate plate of food, shrunk it with his hand which was a little strange but I didn't mind, and handed it to me. "Here you go, sweetie." "Thank you, Danny." I said as I started eating. "You're very welcome, Mary." I then noticed Maddie putting her arm around. "I'm so proud of you, Danny. You just saved a little girl's life and you didn't even need to go ghost to do it." Said Maddie as Danny looked at me with a smile. "I've always loved saving people but sometimes saving someone from a toxic home environment is even better than fighting a ghost. Mary is just the sweetest little girl and I love her to bits. She's definitely going to love it here." I finished my food and went up to hug his finger. "I totally agree. It looks like she already loves you as well." I continued to hug Danny's finger. "I won't ever let her go. She's safe with us."

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