The Chances taken in Love

Start from the beginning

Shub: "Where do you want to go ?"
Sara: "Let's go to Wolseley's??"
Shub: "Okay, have heard a lot, let's go."

Sara and Shub clearly weren't the type of couple who preferred spending time indoors at hotels. They used to meet after a gap of months literally but still they would want to roam around with each other. They both loved visiting new places, especially with each other. Holding hands and traveling the world together was their love language. Most often when they would go out on dates, they would sit next to each other. This was the first time they decided sitting in front of each other, looking straight into each other's eyes.

Sara was having her coffee while Shub kept looking at her. He extended his right hand towards her and helped her take a strand of hair back which was falling on her face continuously distrubing her while she enjoyed her coffee. He wanted to grab her face with both his hands, but then he thought he shall get a grip of himself and control.

Sara: "How much did you miss seeing me ?"
Shub: "As much as I have missed being on the fields because of covid."
Sara: "oooowwww! I know you miss playing cricket more, you can admit that. Haha!."
Shub: "That's true."

They both burst into laughing.

Shub clicked Sara's pictures and Sara clicked Shub's. It was a date full of Love and laughter. They were enjoying it to the most is when Ishan called Shub, "Bhai kidhar ho tumlog ?"

Shub: "Idhar hi hain, bol naaa. How did it go ?"
Ishan: "Looks like it went well. She was all blushing and now we are going out for dinner. You guys want to join ?"
Shub: "Mubaarakan Saale, finally said bye to single days. Just tune abhi usko propose kra hai, hume kyun bula raha. Spend time with her, get to know her more, apan kal milenge."
Ishan: "Chal theek hai, say thanks to Sara too."
Shub: "Okay bhai, have fun!"

The London diaries had always been an escape from their busy world. It was there they could be themselves, so they didn't want to let go of that time easily.

They tried spending as much time as possible with each other. Sara also took Shub to meet her long time college friends in London. For Shub, all of them were too elite for his world, but he knew, such was Sara's world. Top Class & Elite. Sara's friends loved Shub, they even gave him the title of "Munda Kukkad Kamaal Da". They enjoyed Shub's banters so much. Soon it was time for yet another goodbye. Goodbyes had become a part of their relationship. Shub had to leave back for India after 2 days. He had his training sessions.

With the promise of seeing her very soon, he flew back to India.

Mid of July, 2021

Shub was in Bangalore for his training and they were currently staying at "The Ritz Carlton." He was busy practising and that is when he got a call from Ishan.

Ishan had stayed back in London to spend some more time with Aditi. He was to join the team today. IPL was going to start soon too.

Ishan: "Kidhar hai?"
Shub: "At the practice bro, aaa jaaa tu bhiiiii."
Ishan: "Ek kaaam tha."
Shub: "Bolo"
Ishan: "ITC Gardenia me mil, at 5PM sharp."
Shub: "Kidnapper type kyun baat kar raha. All good ?"
Ishan: "Yes bro! Need to show you something."
Shub: "Okay aata hoon evening me. After the practice."
Ishan: "Done Bro"

Shub was not sure whay was that meeting called for. But he had an idea. He assumed may be Ishan had come back with Aditi and as she cannot come to the place where the team was staying, Ishan might have asked him to come and see them at a different hotel.

While he was on his way, he sent a text to Sara, "Hii Cutie, had a good practice session, the lower body still seems to be a little stiff but will be better soon. Going to see Ishan at the Gardenia, miss you the most. Love you! Calling you sooon."

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