The Aftermath

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            The scene played out as it had many times before in the young Gryffindor's head — he was back in the graveyard where he and Cedric had landed after taking hold of the Triwizard Cup. The all-too-familiar feeling of his scar burning began once more as the figure of what he would later find out was Peter Pettigrew and the shrivelled body of Voldemort drew closer to the Chosen One and the sixth year Hufflepuff.

      Harry heard the hiss-like voice and saw the streak of green light just as he had both that night and countless times after in dreams like these. He begged himself to raise his wand to counter the spell, for his legs to move in the way of the other male. He screamed out but never made a sound as the boy Harry would later realise he had a crush on fell to the ground, his eyes empty and body lifeless.

      "You could have prevented this, Harry," Cedric's voice rang out in the Half-blood's head. "You could have blocked me from getting the cup as well, we both know you could." Cedric's voice was unkind and cruel, not the usual friendly and warm tone Harry came to look forward to hearing. Another's presence made itself known once Cedric's voice was gone.

      "Why didn't you use the mirror, Harry?" the voice of Sirius rang out, sad and disappointed. "You would've known I was safe, I wouldn't have had to come to the Ministry to help you. I wouldn't have died , Harry." The younger's eyes started to get misty at hearing the cruel tones and words the others spoke to him. He knew. He knew he could have prevented their deaths, could have saved them from their fates, had he acted just slightly differently.

      "Harry Potter," Remus' voice started, mixing in with Tonks' as the two spoke as one. "You ripped us from our child, one that you now raise. We should have been given that responsibility. You are the reason our child grows without his parents." Harry tried to speak, but just as before it seemed his vocal chords were taken from him and no sound left him. The tears started to roll down his cheeks at the words spoken to him.

      "We didn't need to die, Harry," the voices of several others who died in the Battle of Hogwarts voiced. The boy could pick out a few — Lavender Brown, Colin Creevey, Vincent Crabbe — but there were more in the chorus that Harry, much to his grievance, could not pick out. He tried to scream out to their beaten and battered bodies that came into view that he was sorry, that he didn't want any of them to die, especially not for him, but he couldn't. The tears wouldn't stop as he heard another's voice from far away calling to him, the vision of white-blonde hair and steely grey eyes came into view in a flash before-

      "Harry!" Draco called, shaking the raven haired boy next to him, eyes skimming over the other's tanned features, his own etched with worry. Green eyes snapped open as Harry bolted upright, looking around frantically as the Gryffindor tried to find something familiar. Emerald irises landed on the mercury silver ones of the young Malfoy. Panic slowly turned to confusion, as Harry slowly calmed down.

      "Sorry..." Harry muttered, eyes cast downwards as he ran a hand through his messy raven locks. He takes a deep breath as he tries to shake the nightmare and the words of his pseudo-loved ones out of his head.. As the images faded, Harry came to the realisation that he had no shirt. He picked up the covers, relieved to find himself clothed underneath,

      "You don't honestly think I'd take advantage of you like that, do you?" Draco said with a raise of a brow. The worry on his features had disappeared as he stood. "I'm serious about that shirt from last night. I want it cleaned properly and returned to me by the end of the week."

      "Right," Harry replies with a nod, noticing Draco was also shirtless. A pair of sweatpants replaced the slacks he had worn the previous night. He couldn't help but let his eyes wander over the porcelain-like skin, the gentle divots that outlined and the v-shaped muscle that lead further to—

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