8th Year Back to School Party

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Warning: Slight sexual imagery, mentions of alcohol

            Harry had gotten back to the common room as the setup was underway. Seamus and Dean were in one corner setting up what seemed like a bar, a few Hufflepuffs were just behind the raven haired male with armfulls of different snacks and food that they were setting on a long table near the far end of the room. A couple Ravenclaws along with more Gryffindors were doing enchantments to add some decorations around the room and Harry sort of just stood there for a moment before heading to the Gryffindor staircase.

      Once inside his dorm, the half-blood tugged off the clothes he was wearing previously and looked at the clothes he had in his trunk. They were all too big and hung on him terribly so it didn't exactly matter what he chose to wear that evening, pulling a pair of too loose jeans that he had to run a belt through the loops a couple times to get them to even just stay on his hips, and a washed out shirt that nearly fell off his shoulder.

      "You're not wearing that, are you, Harry?" Seamus asked as he and Dean came into the dorm, raising a brow towards his direction. "You can borrow something of mine, I think we're about the same size." The Irishman Harry had known for years now headed to his own trunk and pulled out a Cranberries band tee, tossing it Harry's way, the latter switching shirts with a grateful smile.

      "Thanks, haven't had the time for shopping," he mutters, nodding to his mate.

      "Don't mention it, at least it's not falling off o'ya. Anytime you need, take a look through. Though, try'n stay away from the bottom," Seamus says with a bit of a bashful smile. "I, uh, brought along some stuff for Dean an' I."

      "Sea!" the other boy calls, a blush forming on his darker toned features, shooting Harry an apologetic smile. "Public this one is, sorry, mate." Dean lets out an awkward chuckle before looking at his own boyfriend. Harry took this as his cue to leave, deciding to sit in the stairwell that encased the path to his house's dorms. Harry looked up to the ceiling with a small sigh, closing his eyes, not realising just a few floors below a certain Slytherin was getting ready for the party himself.

      Draco, having learned Harry truly was going to the party, decided to go as well. Though that also posed the problem of what to wear, he knew most were going to wear their casual clothes, but that's the thing about being a Malfoy –– he didn't exactly have casual clothes. Eventually the silver eyed boy decided on a deep green shirt with silver buttons going up the front and a pair of black slacks before heading to his en suite bathroom. He looked in the mirror and fussed with his hair for a bit before adding just a touch of makeup here and there to accentuate his eyes, cheekbones, jawline, and nose. By the time the blonde started to head up, he heard music going and laughter, taking a breath before opening the door to the Slytherin staircase and stepping into the lively common room.

      "Draco!" Pansy squealed with a smile, thrusting a cup of Merlin-knows-what into his hand before pulling him along. "Come on, we're about to play truth, dare, or drink! It's a muggle game I think Finnigan suggested we play!"

      "Are you sure it's safe?" the blonde asked with a raise of a brow, sniffing at what was in the cup before taking a small sip, the familiar burning of Firewhiskey meeting his throat mixed in with the smooth feeling of butterbeer that met perfectly with the other. "It is Finnigan we're talking about after all."

      "Granger assured us it wasn't bad, essentially each person will take turns asking another Truth or Dare.." Pansy went on about the rules and how to play before she sat down, pulling the blonde along with her. "Alright, I think everyone's here, yes?" Draco's eyes skimmed the crowd; from Gryffindor there was Harry, Ron, Hermione, Seamus, Dean and Neville, which didn't phase the blonde. Of Slytherin House was Goyle, Blaise, Theo, Pansy and himself, as well as others from different houses Draco had never cared to learn the names of. What caught his surprise were the faces of Luna and Ginny, who definitely didn't belong.

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