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            Hermione was pouring herself into the books at the library, determined to figure out what the monster was in the Chamber of Secrets. She hardly noticed the blond Slytherin behind her, eyes peering over her shoulder before slipping a piece of paper in one of the books the bushy haired girl had yet to skim through.

      The boy was called over by some housemates and, as he turned to head back to them, he recalled when he had torn that page out of its book in the back of Flourish and Blotts. The same day he and his father ran into the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione as they were collecting their school supplies before the start of the year. The boy smiled to himself, hoping Hermione would see the page before she left the library.

      He envied the trio, envied their closeness. It was never really something he ever had for himself – though he would never admit it out loud. He hoped this would help him find that closeness, either with the trio or with someone else. Karma, right?

      The boy's actions had gone as planned as Hermione skimmed through the next book and saw the ripped page with Draco's neat handwriting on the bottom. Though he didn't sign it, the girl knew what his handwriting looked like as they had worked on a couple projects together. Her eyes widened as she read the simple note: "I hope this helps," before her expression turned into one of determination. As she erased the Slytherin's handwriting and wrote "pipes" on the same slip of paper, she decided she would talk to Draco later as she searched around for something she could use so she wouldn't be at risk of death. Her eyes landed on Penelope Clearwater, who was touching up her appearance a bit while looking into a handheld mirror
"Pardon me," the Gryffindor said in an attempt to get the Ravenclaw's attention. "May I borrow that?" She pointed to the mirror with a smile as the Prefect looked at her, a bit confused as to why. With a little clever convincing from the Muggleborn it was decided that she could use it as long as Penelope came along. Hermione used the mirror around the corners to make sure the Basilisk wasn't around them. Though, almost immediately, the two girls were petrified as the monster was right around the corner of the library.

      When Draco learned of the Gryffindor's petrification, he slipped into the hospital wing to check on her when he knew no one would be there nor paying attention. He also wanted to make sure the page was in her hand, knowing the Boy who Lived and his best friend weren't exactly the brightest of boys. When he heard footsteps coming, Draco quickly slipped out of the hospital wing and headed to the hall for dinner, as it would be starting soon.

      After the events of the rest of the year, Hermione decided not to tell her friends the real reason of how she came to find out about the basilisk and, on the final day, she was able to get Draco alone.

      "I'm sure you must know what this is about, Malfoy," she started, though the Slytherin feigned ignorance, the girl rolled her eyes and sighed. "I know that was you, the page. Why did you help? I thought you of all people would have loved it if the basilisk had kept running around the school, it's all you would talk about when there was a large gathering. So, why help?"

      "Well, I suppose you don't know me quite as well as you may think," the Pureblood replies, sighing as he knew there would be no convincing the Muggleborn he wasn't the one who gave her the page. To be completely honest, he wasn't sure if he wanted to. "I know what I've said and how I've acted, it's no excuse but it's sort of how I grew up and was raised to be. I just- I can't explain why I did what I did with the page, I suppose I just wanted to help, ok?" He sighed as he folded his arms across his chest, looking down at the Gryffindor. "Though, if I may, I am... relieved you weren't harmed. Well, severely harmed." Hermione knit her brows together as the Slytherin spoke, sighing as she, too, crossed her arms. At Draco's last statement, however, her eyes widened, looking towards him in slight disbelief.

      The two stayed there for a couple moments, the Gryffindor staring at the Slytherin while the latter stared down at the floor, clearly a bit embarrassed of his words. It was about five minutes before anyone spoke again, this time it was the brunette. "I see, well, I can't say all is forgiven, you've crossed some lines after all. However, it also doesn't mean all is lost either. I suppose we could... take a step forward rather than remain at a standstill." The blond looked at her, a bit in disbelief, though also relieved. She was giving him another chance after all he had done. He might actually be getting that close friendship that he has admired and envied of the golden trio. He was happy, for once, truly happy. He knew he didn't necessarily deserve it, especially after he called her a mudblood, but she was still giving it to him.

      "Thank you. Though--" he paused, chewing on his lips a bit. "I- I still have a reputation..." He trailed off, not quite looking at her, though hoping she understands what he means and where he is coming from. The girl sighed once more, thinking about it for a while before nodding eventually.

      "Fine, we'll keep it secret then. We'll meet up when others aren't paying attention, or make up an excuse like we're working on a project together or something," she offers, putting her hand out to ask if the two of them got a deal, raising a brow as the blond sort of just stared. It took Draco a while before taking her hand, muttering a quiet "deal" as he did so. With that the two went their separate ways for the moment; Hermione meeting up with Harry and Ron who were heading back to their common rooms for the day and Draco returning alone to his own.

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