Start of the 8th Year

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            Once Hogwarts had been rebuilt, students were welcomed back to restart the previous year as well as new students to start their first. Draco, to his surprise, and all the 7th years, now 8th years, were included in the group. They all boarded the Hogwarts Express as normal. What wasn't normal was a new tower that had been built directly southeast of the North Courtyard, which students could see on their way from Hogsmeade Station. During the Start of the Year Feast, McGonagall was named Headmistress and new faculty were introduced for more than a few of the classes. Professor McGonagall also explained that the new tower was for all the 8th year students, many of whom were of age. To ease any concerns parents might have, the decision was made to provide them with their own dormitory.

       8th years from all 4 houses would share a common room on the 2nd floor of the castle but dorms would be spread through the towers which students would get to using a staircase. Slytherins would continue to be in the lowest level of the tower around where the dungeons would be. Hufflepuffs would be on the basement level of the castle. Gryffindors would be on the 4th floor of the castle, and Ravenclaws at the top of the tower. Members of each house would still be able to gain access to the main common rooms, however they were to be in the 8th year common rooms by curfew. The staircases leading to the different dorms would be blocked the same way the main common rooms of the houses are, with Slytherins and Gryffindors needing to say a specific passcode, the Ravenclaws having to answer a riddle. Though the Hufflepuff's were slightly different as they had to tap on the right brick in the right tune for their door to open. Each of these would be further explained by the Heads of Houses to the 8th years.

       Once the feast and sorting were over, groups of students began to leave the Great Hall and head to their common rooms. The 8th years were one of the last to leave, the professors not wanting any of the younger students to follow them by chance. Draco stood and kept near the back of the seemingly small group of students. He understood that the reason all the would-be 8th years weren't present was partially his fault and he didn't want to feel the stares from the others behind him if he were closer to the front.

      Hermione noticed this and convinced her two best friends to hang a little closer to the back as well, shooting Draco small empathetic looks when she could. She wasn't the only one, however. Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini, the two Slytherins Draco had actually managed to become true friends with, joined him as well and started a conversation the blonde wasn't entirely paying attention to.

      Once in the common room, they were told all students who were at Hogwarts last year would be given an extra two days off due to the mental aspect of things before their classes started. This made more than a few lighten up, looking to each other with scheming expressions but for the most part everyone went to their own dorms without anything eventful happening. Draco getting his own personal one just as he had the previous years. Ron, Harry, Seamus, Dean, and Neville all share one as they had in previous years as well.


      The next morning, Draco noticed groups of 8th years huddled together and whispered amongst themselves, almost like they were planning something. Most of them were Gryffindors but there were Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws possibly recruited to help out, for what, Draco was unsure and didn't really care one way or another and continued on with his day. One luxury 8th years had was to go to Hogsmeade whenever they wanted as long as they were back by curfew and attended all their classes and that is exactly what Draco, Pansy, and Blaise did once they got some breakfast.

      It felt nice to the blonde, being able to roam around the wizard village without any need to worry about when he had to be back. He mostly just walked around, though he popped into a couple different shops when Blaise and Pansy dragged him. The day went by and the trio started to get hungry, so they all headed back for some dinner.

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