I stared at him incredulously, feeling a tad insulted. I was standing right there for God's sake, but no, ask the veterinarian if he was a witch.

Deaton's eyes flicked to Isaac, unimpressed. "No, I'm a veterinarian. The only witch here is the girl standing right beside you."

Isaac sheepishly looked at me but I ignored him, still miffed from his question. Why didn't he ask me if Deaton was a witch? Because then I could have easily informed him that there were only female witches and that only one witch lived at a time, meaning since I was a witch he obviously couldn't be.

But no, ask the near stranger over you girlfriend. Sort of girlfriend. Half girlfriend?

Deaton put the jar back down with a sigh. "Unfortunately, I don't see anything here that's going to be an effective defence against a paralytic toxin."

"We're open to suggestions," Derek said.

Isaac's hand lightly traced my side as he said, "what about an effective offence?"

"No we already tried. I nearly took its head off, Argent emptied and entire clip into it and-" he looked to me, "-the witch Argent threw it against the wall with enough power to break it's back. The thing just gets back up."

Deaton frowned at the unsavoury information. "Has it shown any weaknesses?"

"It can't swim," I offered.

Deaton turned to me. "Does that go for Jackson as well?"

Scott answered before I could. "No. He's captain of the swimming team."

Deaton took the information in, staying quiet for a beat before speaking. "Essentially you're trying to catch two people. A puppet and a puppeteer. One killed the husband but the other had to take care of the wife. Do we know why?"

Deaton looked at us expectantly.

"I don't think Jackson could do it," Scott said. "His mother died pregnant too and she was maybe murdered. I think he couldn't let the same thing happen to someone else."

"How do you know it's not a part if the rules, like what Stiles said. The Kanima kills murders?" I asked.

Isaac, catching on to what I was saying, continued my sentence. "If Jackson kills the wife then the baby dies too."

"Does that mean your father was a murderer?" Scott asked.

Isaac turned distant, memories flashing through his mind before he said dryly, "wouldn't surprise me if he was."

I glowered, reminded of my burning hatred for the dead man. If he wasn't already a corpse I'd hunt him down to make him one myself.

"Hold on," Deaton said. "The book says they're bonded, right?" Derek nodded. "What if the fear of water isn't coming from Jackson but from the person controlling him? What if something that affects the Kanima also affects it's master?"

"Meaning what?" Scott asked.

"Meaning we can catch both of them."

. . .

Stiles drove Scott and I to school the next day, parking the jeep rather hazardously in one if the school parks.

We got out as Scott said. "There's got to be some other way to get tickets, right?"

He was talking about the rave dilemma, and how the tickets to it had sold out. I tried not to feel disappointed, because Scott was sure the Kanima would be at the rave on Friday, which meant I'd have to go there as a witch, not just me like Isaac and I had planned to.

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