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Clay x Clumsy! Bad childhood! Reader

Tw: trauma, cut, mention of abuse,

Y/n's pov:

Clay was on a call with viva talking about work stuff. It sounded like he was in a rush to get off of the call since he had been busy all day.

I walked out of the bedroom to get something.

When I reached for (something) and accidentally knocked over a glass vase.

It fell onto the floor and shattered.  Making a really loud noise. The glass also cut me on my arm and on my thigh.

I stepped away from it, shocked. I heard clay tell viva he had to go before he walked out of the bedroom.

When he saw what happened all he did was sigh getting more frustrated the second.

"Just one more thing to add today." He mumbled. He went to grab the broom.

You stared at him, flashbacks flooding your mind from when you made messes when you lived with your parents. Even if you were young.

They yelled, hurt me and made me clean up the mess even if it was dangerous.

I couldn't hear when clay was asking me if I was okay or if I was hurt.

All I did was go in the bathroom and lock the door. Then I sat on the ground.

I looked at the blood dripped on the ground. My eyes started to get heavy before I fell asleep.



Frantic knocks were heard from the door. I stood up and unlocked it, even though I was scared. The door swung open immediately

"I-i'm sorry, I didn't mean to break it! Please don't be mad at-" I was cut off by clay holding my face to silence me

"Why did you lock yourself in here?!" He shouted at me. I looked at him tears welling up in my eyes.

His expression softened.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell. It's just- you had me worried sick." He told me, trying to wipe my tears away.

"Are you hurt?" He asked.

"Yeah" I replied, my voice cracking.

He picked me up and carried me to the bedroom and sat me down on the bed.

He got bandaids and some type of liquid.

He put the liquid on a paper towel then got onto his knees infront of me as I slightly blushed

"This might sting a little bit." He said before applying it. I flinched a little bit as he rubbed my leg to calm me down. He dried it then put the bandaid on it

After he did the same with the one on my arm he placed a small kiss on it then stood up

"Sorry for getting mad earlier. Today is supposed to be my day off and things wouldn't stop coming up. I was frustrated that I couldn't spend any time with you."

"It's okay." I smiled

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