Chapter One

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Chapter One:

Percy Jackson's Point of View

One month had passed since the second giant war ended. The giants were all dead. Gaea's physical form was destroyed and her consciousness was spread so thin that it was unlikely for her to ever to return in her physical form again. We had spent the past month honoring our fallen heroes. The shrouds of the dead were burned. The gods made shrines to all of the fallen heroes from the second titan war and the second giant war up on Mount Olympus as well as putting a shrine for the fallen heroes in Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter. Jason and I spent our time buildig cabins and temples for all of the gods who didn't have one before. We started with my half sister Kymopoleia. Jason and I even convinced Poseidon, Amphitrite, and Triton to let Kymopoleia live with them in Poseidon's undersea realm. 

The gods had started to spend more time with their demigod children. After a month the gods called Jason, Leo, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, Nico, Reyna, Grover, and I to the throne room of Olympus. Hermes flashed us into the throne room of Mount Olympus. "Heroes you have all done well. For your bravery and heroic efforts in the second giant war we hereby offer you rewards"Zeus bellowed. "Grover Underwood leader of the council of cloven elders we The Fates hereby proclaim you as the new god of the wild"The Fates spoke in unison as they blasted Grover with divine energy. Grover glowed with a blue aura of power. His aura now felt like Pan's aura did. Grover's horns were now as long as Pan's horns had once been. Grover's horns gleamed. The reed pipes hanging around Grover's neck now gleamed as if they were made of metal. Grover now wielded a titan silver and mortal steel club in one hand. 

Grover sat down next to me. "Jason Grace"Zeus shouted. Jason stood up and walked to his father's throne. He bowed to all of the gods before lookig directly at his father. "My son I offer you my full blessing"Zeus said. "Father I accept your offer"Jason said. Zeus blasted Jason with an electric blue orb of divine energy with lightning crackling around it. "Piper McLean"Aphrodite squealed as Jason sat back down. Piper bowed to all of the gods as she stood in front of Aphrodite's throne. "My darling daughter I offer you my full blessing"Aphrodite said. "Mother I accept your offer"Piper said. Aphrodite blasted Piper with a rosy pink orb of divine energy at Piper. "Leo Valdez"Hephaestus said. Hephaestus had a stoic look on his face but we could all tell that he was proud of his son. 

Leo stood up and bowed to all of the gods before going to stand in front of his father's throne. "My son I offer you my full blessing"Hephaestus said. "Father I accept your offer"Leo said. Hephaestus blasted Leo with a lava red orb of divine energy. "Frank Zhang"Ares roared as Leo sat back down. Frank bowed to all of the gods before standing in front of the throne of Ares. "My son I offer you my full blessing"Ares said. "Father I accept your offer"Frank said. Ares blasted Frank with a blood red orb of divine energy. "Nico Di Angelo and Hazel Levesque my children"Hades said causually as Frank went back to his seat. Nico and Hazel bowed to all of the gods before standing in front of their father's throne. 

Nico and Hazel looked up at their father as Hades spoke again. "I offer you both my full blessing"Hades stated. "Father I accept your offer"Nico and Hazel said at the same time. Hades blasted his son and daughter with a jet black orb of divine energy. "Hazel Levesque I too will grant you my full blessing"Hecate said. Hecate placed a hand on Hazel's shoulder. Hazel glowed bluish-white aura. "Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano your mother Bellona, Athena, and I offer you our full blessing"Ares said. "I accept your offer"Reyna said. Ares and Bellona blasted Reyna with a blood red orb of divine energy. Athena blasted Reyna with a stormy gray orb of divine energy. "Annabeth chase my own daughter I offer you my full blessing"Athena said. "Mother I accept your offer"Annabeth replied. Athena blasted Annabeth with a stormy gray orb of divine energy. "PERSEUS JACKSON"Poseidon thundered. My name reverberated throughout the throne room of Mount Olympus as I approached my father's throne. 

I bowed to Zeus and the other gods before looking directly into Poseidon's eyes. "My son I offer you full immortality alongside my full blessing"Poseidon said. I looked over at Annabeth. I didn't want to live forever if my friends and the love of my life weren't going to. "It is okay Perseus. What you all didn't know is that a god's full blessing grants you partial immortality"Athena stated shocking us all. "Father I will accept your offer as long as you all swear on the River Styx to grant me two wishes"I said. "On behalf of the council I swear on the river styx to grant your reasonable requests as long as they are within our power to do so"Zeus said. 

Thunder boomed signifying that his oath was sealed. "First I would like for Lord Hades, Lady Hestia, and Lady Hecate to be on the Olympian council. Secondly I would like for all of the peaceful titans and titanesses to be freed from their various prisons"I said. Everyone gasped in shock. "Hestia, Hades, and Hecate welcome to the council"Zeus declared as he snapped his fingers. Three new thrones rose up as the throne room rumbled and shook. Hades, Hestia, and Hecate sat down on their thrones. "Thank you Perseus. You have no idea how much this means to us. If you ever need anything you can call on us anytime"Hestia said kindly. Zeus snapped his fingers once again and all of the peaceful titans and titanesses appeared in the throne room. 

They all looked confused until they saw Zeus. "You are all free to live your lives. Do not ever oppose us"Zeus said. Poseidon chanted loudly in ancient greek as he blasted me with a sea green and ocean blue orb of divine energy. I groaned in pain as my mortality was burned away and was replaced by immortality. My blood changed into golden ichor. My speed, strength, senses, stamina, agility, endurance, and reflexes were significantly enhanced and augmented. "My son I would like to train you in my undersea realm and help you further develop your powers"Poseidon told me. "Father I would be honored to train with you in your undersea realm"I said. 

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