Jackson, out of all people?

Start from the beginning

Meredith, in an attempt to defuse the situation, interjected softly, "Mary, Derek is just concerned about you. We all are."

Mary's gaze softened slightly towards Meredith but hardened again as she faced Derek. "I appreciate your concern, Meredith. But Derek, you're not seeing the whole picture. I'm not a kid anymore. I'm doing surgeries, making life and death decisions. But you still treat me like I'm eight years old."

Derek sighed, his voice tinged with exhaustion. "It's not about treating you like a child. It's about the fact that your actions reflect on all of us. Me, Mark, Meredith, even Lexie. Everyone knows that you are a Shepherd, and you have to live up to the name. You can't keep getting caught in the on-call rooms."

Mary eyed the neurosurgeon in disbelief, "That did not seem to stop you or Mark! Or Meredith and Lexie for that matter! Why are things different now that-"

Mark, finally deciding to step in, addressed them both. "Listen, both of you. Mary, Derek's got a point about your actions reflecting on us - you are young, and people will judge you; don't give them more reasons to distrust you. But Derek, you've got to let her make her own mistakes. That's part of growing up. And it's not like all of us haven't spent our share of time in the on-call rooms."

Lexie, her voice gentle yet firm, added, "It's about finding balance, right? We've all been through this in our own ways."

Derek nodded slowly, his expression softening. "I know you're capable, Mary. I just... I worry about you. I've always felt responsible for you, especially after Mom and Dad..."

Mary reached across the table, placing her hand over Derek's. "I know, Derek. And I love you for that. But I'm not the little girl you used to protect from scraped knees anymore. I'm a surgeon, just like you. And sometimes, that means making my own decisions, even if they're mistakes. And, for the record, I do not think Jackson is a mistake."

There was a long pause as Derek absorbed her words, his eyes reflecting a mixture of pride and reluctance to let go.

Finally, he spoke, his voice softer, "I guess I need to start trusting you more, huh? As a surgeon, and as my sister."

Mary's expression softened. "And I need to remember that you're looking out for me, not trying to hold me back. And that I have a family name to live up to."

Mark, seeing the reconciliation, smiled wryly. "Glad we sorted that out. Now, can we eat before the food gets cold?"

Laughter broke out, easing the remaining tension. The conversation slowly drifted to lighter topics, with everyone contributing. Derek and Mary exchanged smiles, an unspoken understanding bridging the gap between them.

As the night progressed, the dinner table became a place of shared stories and laughter, a reminder that beneath the arguments and the stress, there was an unbreakable bond of family and love that held them all together.

After dinner, the Shepherd-Grey household buzzed with activity as everyone pitched in to clean up. Derek, with a light-hearted tone that hinted at their deep sibling bond, playfully nudged Mary, "You've almost got the dish stacking down to a science."

Mary, always quick with a comeback, rolled her eyes and retorted, "Because that's exactly the skill I want to be known for, Derek."

Meredith and Lexie, standing side by side at the sink, exchanged a knowing smile. Lexie's laughter was a gentle sound in the bustling kitchen. Mark, wiping down the counters with deliberate strokes, chuckled, "It's the little victories in life, Mary. Celebrate them."

Once the cleaning was done, the group made their way to the living room, each finding comfort in their usual spots on the couches. The TV show, a medical drama, flickered on the screen, ready to be dissected by the group of real-life medical professionals.

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