Chapter Four: The Student Has Become the Master

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Coriolanus laid down in bed next to Lucy Gray and could sense her tension. He was waiting for her to turn on him, his actions from today would surely make her crack and change her mind entirely. She sighed and sat up contemplating her words. "Corio....can we talk?" She asked.

His future wife could have whatever she wanted from him, all Lucy Gray had to do was ask. "Of can tell me anything." He said.

"Firstly, understand I know if it was of any immediate importance to me you would've spoken to be about it already. But are you willing to share what Dr. Gaul spoke to you about today?" Lucy Gray asked.

"Actually, it does bare importance to you. I should've shared sooner, know I was not trying keep this from you. But rather Dr. Gaul wanted to formally assign you herself tomorrow. Please don't tell her you were informed prior. As you know she does not take kindly to disobedience." Corio said as he grabbed Lucy Gray's hands. She was beginning to tense up.

"I swear I won't utter a word. I appreciate your honesty more than you know. " Lucy Gray vowed waiting for Coriolanus to explain further.

"You will always receive full truth from me Lucy Gray. No matter how heinous it may be." Corio said as he pulled her hand up to his lips and kissed it. "As I know you are familiar with Dr. Gaul's snakes, she wants you to take over care of them full time. She'd like you to become the reptilian care coordinator as she put it. But while this is an honor to be assigned to work closely with Dr. Gaul it's also a resilience test. She will push you close to edge to see if you break Lucy Gray. She will approach you with this assignment as if you have a choice. But she will not take no for an answer." Coriolanus sighed. "I told her you are strong willed and will decide for yourself if that job is the one that is right for you. She appointed me director of the games this year. I accepted on the condition you would be working with me closely and be given the proper coming out in Panem you deserved in the first place. Whether Panem chooses to believe you won the games or not. I know you did and would have even without my help." Coriolanus said.

Lucy Gray stared up at Corio taking in all the information he had just shared with her. "I understand if you don't have an answer in this exact second. But.." Lucy Gray cut him off.

"I will take the position with oblige to Dr. Gaul for the opportunity, congratulations on director of the games. Now you can really enforce the change Sejanus wanted to see." Lucy Gray reminded her boyfriend. He nodded as a small smile appeared across his face.

"That is true, you have a gift with those snakes Lucy Gray...Dr. Gaul believes you and I are going to break down barriers with our relationship. To be completely much you being from the district is a perk to Panem for their stance on equality...more like their lack there of. I was infatuated with you before I thought you'd ever want anything to do with me." Corio said. Lucy Gray blushed, shaking her head in embarrassment.

" and I are the seeds of change Panem needs..what better way to be that change then to work for Capitol. Change has to start from the inside...your Grand'mam seems to think I don't have what it takes to stand by your side. I'd like to prove her wrong by working with Dr. Gaul...gaining her trust. Becoming Panem's first lady...once the seat at the table is yours Corio...we can end the games once and for all. I know it will take time and no true change can happen over night...but this is the start of something. Something...I know it's what we both want. Even if you can't admit that to yourself yet. I understand you were conditioned to be this way." Lucy Gray whispered.

"The games were used as punishment to show the districts rebellion would not be tolerated. But they have turned into something much're right. I almost watched you die Lucy Gray. I will make sure nothing like that will ever happen to you or anyone else again. Dismantling the games from the inside out...honoring Sejanus. It's the right thing to do, only you have helped me truly see that." Coriolanus agreed. But Lucy Gray sensed some hesitation in his statement. Which she expected from the blue eyed boy with the god complex...breaking down his walls to human emotion would be no easy task. But Lucy Gray loved a challenge. After all she was one single person who didn't just have his love but something much more powerful... his trust. If Coriolanus' trust was ever broken Lucy Gray knew that would be the final thing to lead him to do the unimaginable.

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