Chapter Three: The Plinth Prize

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Coriolanus held on tightly to Lucy Gray's hand as they approached the front gate of the Pilth mansion. While under his other arm he held onto Sejanus' box of momentos from the short time they both shared as Peacekeepers. Although peacekeeping was not what they had would've been hard for Sejanus to continue to live with the guilt of innocent blood on his hands. Coriolanus laid awake for nights prior thinking over if Sejanus dying for being a martyr was better than living in the world he could not change. Corio's blood ran cold as the door opened. Lucy Gray squeezed his hand to assure him she was there. 

"Coriolanus Snow." Sejanus' mother's sorrow filled voice echoed the entrance way of their home.

"Ms. Plinth, I cannot find words to express my sorrow for Sejanus. I wish there was more I could've done." Coriolanus nearly choked on his words. Lucy Gray continued to hold onto him for support. This was a side to him she was not used to. It made the godlike persona he carried during the Hunger Games crumble. It showed weakness, it showed humanity. It showed a brighter tomorrow for Panem. Lucy Gray hadn't been able to speak to Coriolanus about his meeting with Dr. Gaul yet, although she could tell whatever was talked about was still on his mind. 

"You did all you could Coriolanus. Our Sejanus was too good for this world...too good to stand down. And in turn...he paid the price for his rebellion. Oh I miss him so. But enough of that now, we're so happy you came to see us. And I do believe this is who I think it is. Sejanus wrote us a few times and mentioned how you two were just smitten for each other. Lovely to make your aquaintance Lucy Gray. I believe you won the games fair and square. After all mentors are supposed to help." Ms. Plinth said as Sejanus' father entered the room.

"Coriolanus Snow and Lucy Gray...I believe your alliance...and let me rephrase that...your love will bring a brighter future for Panem. I wanted to thank you Coriolanus for all you did for my son. When I know at times he made it difficult to do so. I know this is not a happy occasion but as we morn his loss, we should celebrate that change that will come of it. First and foremost, I see you have something for me?" Mr. Pilth said as Coriolanus presented him with Sejanus' box. He placed it on the table and continued. "And for returning his memories to us, this will bring his mother the closure she needs. Originally I had stated there would be no prize this year for the brightest student at the academy. But this supersedes intellect, I would like to give the Plinth prize to you Coriolanus, I can't think of a more deserving person. In Panem, I trust you will write a new history for which rebellion won't be the only way to bring attention to the problems in this world. Your father ruled with a iron fist, that would be his demise. You are wiser than that, Lucy Gray sees it in you. So please take this money, share it with your family and give them the life you all deserve. I know Sejanus would agree with my decision." Mr. Plinth said as he handed Coriolanus the envelope. He was was wrong...Sejanus would not have agreed.

Both Lucy Gray and Coriolanus knew this, but only they truly knew why. Corio was speechless for a second still holding the prize money in his hand in disbelief. For he knew he was the last person to deserve it. Lucy Gray smiled and took over the conversation for him. "Sejanus saw that people could change, he believed in rebellion helping Panem not hurting it. It's unfortunate he chose to go about it the way he did." Lucy Gray's soft consoling tone brought a sympathetic smile to Mr. Plinth's face. 

"I do agree Lucy Gray." He nodded. Coriolanus used Lucy Gray's stalling for time to think of the right words.

"Mr. Plinth, I promise this prize money will help forge the change Sejanus wanted to see in Panem. I will make sure of it." Coriolanus said as Lucy Gray and he bided their farewell. The second they were far enough away from the manor, Coriolanus stopped and broke down into a sob. One Lucy Gray thought would be of elation but was of guilt. She appreciated that Coriolanus was developing a conscious but she had to keep him strong if they wanted Sejanus' death to not be in vain. 

"'s alright. With this money you will bring the right type of change across Panem. We all believe in you future president Snow. Now believe in yourself too." Lucy Gray's words were met with a kiss being placed on her lips. 

"I do not deserve your kindess for the horrible things I have done Lucy Gray." Coriolanus said as they walked back towards Grand'mam's apartment.

"I do not believe that is true Coriolanus. I believe good people can make mistakes. It's the path they choose next, that is the one that truly changes the tide. I will walk this next path with you." Lucy smiled as they walked hand-in-hand into the building to share the good news. Lucy Gray braced herself for what was to come and the conversations she had yet to have with Corio both about Dr. Gaul and Grand'mam. She as so sure in herself she would keep the good alive in Coriolanus, no matter the cost. He was the districts only hope at true freedom.

Pure as Snow: A Do-Over of Corio and Lucy Gray's love storyWhere stories live. Discover now