snowflake, I'll catch you tonight (M.S)

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Sana x g!p reader

synopsis: Y/n is the Spirit of Winter. Sana hates cold weather.


"Get up."

Something nudges her leg, the sliver of skin exposed between Y/n's pants and her bare feet.

She scrunches up her nose, brain not having started to work yet, and decides to ignore the disturbance.

"Get up, asshole," The same, annoying voice mutters again. "Winter's not gonna come on it's own."

Y/n groans, her head buried under a blanket, before her eyes slowly peel open.

There is no telling what time it is, and once she's awake enough for the wheels in her head to start turning again, Y/n realizes with a rather excited flutter in her chest that it's time to wake up.

It's winter.

She throws off the blankets and scrambles to sit up in her bed, the person sitting on top of her falling off with a startled yelp. Y/n's skin starts prickling as she summons up her energy that's been put into a resting mode along with her, feels the magic start thrumming in her veins like a second heartbeat until it reaches the tips of her fingers like tiny sparkles.

Her mouth stretches into a huge grin when she feels every single nerve of her body come alive.

Y/n ignores Momo on the floor and flies off the bed, bare feet flying across the wooden floor until she's hovering in front of the window to check if it's really true. Wouldn't be the first time Momo woke her up in the middle of September, claiming it was winter already, just to see Y/n lose her temper and accidentally freeze everything in her own apartment.

Her eyes take in the streets below in excitement. It's still morning, so not many people are out and about, but Momo must've lowered the temperature significantly already, because she can make out the tiniest little clouds puffing out of a man's mouth as she hurries down the street.

She looks at the tree next to her window, just in time to see the last of it's red autumn leaves fall off.

Y/n sighs dreamily and turns around, smirking at Momo who's giving her a scowl while rubbing at her shoulder.

Momo is the spirit of fall.

Her hair is brown, glimmers in different shades of gold and red in the light. Her eyes look like the color of autumn leaves, a swirl of warmth, orange and red and yellow, and her attire's made of the same color range. She has leaves tattooed on her arms like a string, and her necklaces and bracelets are adorned with crystals and acorns.

Y/n's heard other spirits call her cute, but she thinks the outfit's tacky and over the top, and lets the other know frequently. Not that Momo cares too much. She much prefers her own outfit, consisting of nothing but grey pants that stop down at her calves (because she likes having her ankles exposed) and a blue hoodie with some sparkly snowflakes etched into it. Her hair is grey, which she doesn't appreciate. She's tried to dye it like humans do, but it just turns grey again every time, so she stopped bothering.

"So, what did I miss?" Y/n asks, tilting her head.

"Same old crap," Momo mutters with a shrug. "Humans fighting each other. Polluting the air. Braiding their eyebrows. Throwing away food while others are starving. Lots of YouTube apologies, that was fun. Apple came out with wireless earphones that look like crap. Infinity War came out."

At that, Y/n's face lights up. "Was it any good?"

Momo snorts. "I'm not saying shit." With that, she pushes off the floor and dusts herself off.

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