Chapter 2: The Monster

Start from the beginning

"Drip? Please, your appearance and attire are so common, people would call the most generic protagonist ever!" I teased back.

"Why, you..."

Now this time, it's Kirito and I in a playful slapping match together.

Klein in the background was laughing, thankful he's not the one getting slapped now.

"You two are honestly better suited as love interests if anything." Klein joked around

Almost immediately, me and Kirito stopped slapping each other and looked at Klein and screamed at him.

"Shut up!"

We both then decided to team up and playfully slap Klein together.

"Stop. Making. Harem. Jokes. When. I
Have. Asuna." Kirito screamed

"I. Don't. Like. Him." I screamed with a tiny blush

"Woah, woah, woah! Friendly fire! Friendly fire! Stop!" Klein pleaded


Two minutes and another tag team by Kirito and Sinon, the two were catching their breath as Klein retreated to the dungeon exit.

"That showed him..." Sinon said while catching her breath

Meanwhile, Kirito started to laugh beside Sinon. He then started to laugh harder.

For some weird reason, Sinon decided to join him in laughing. The two were now laughing whilst still in the dungeon.

Eventually stopping, Sinon decided to ask.

"Why were we laughing again?"

Kirito responded still with a smile

"We really became enemies to friends in a span of ten seconds just to team up on him."

Sinon then laughed a bit again

"Oh yeah, it's weird how our minds work."

The two of them were now looking at each other when Kirito decided to talk to Sinon.

"Hey, Sinon. May I ask you something?"

Sinon nodded at him

"Sure, Kirito. What is it?"

Kirito hesitated a bit, but asked her

"Are you feeling okay?"

Sinon's eyes widened for a short time before she blinked a couple times

"Y-yeah, of course I am. Did you see how good I was today?"

Kirito knows better than that. He's been observing her a bit when hanging out together. Those eyes he recognizes it... he can see something's wrong.

"I know what you're feeling, Sinon."

Sinon then looked at him

"No, you don't."

"So something is wrong then." Kirito responded immediately

"Yes! No! No... nothing's wrong."

Kirito shook his head and breath a few times

"Sinon, I can help you. Just open up to me, please. I really want to help you."

"I don't want to be helped. I just want to be alone and... think things through!

"We can't just do that. If you do nothing but think it through, it will only get worse. We need to something about it." Kirito pleaded.

Through The Dark (Kirito x Sinon)Where stories live. Discover now