Chapter 2: Listen to Your Nice Side. You'll Find a Bird And a Talking Tube.

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Find the Owl Lady, Ingressus thought as he ventured through the woods. According to that "creature," she was the only one that might know a way back to Ardonia. If that creature's information was even to be trusted she should live somewhere in these woods.

As he walked through the woods he heard a scream coming from behind some nearby bushes.


Ingressus paused and looked over the bushes with a confused expression. Only to see a human fighting against some masked figures with what seemed to be ice blasts and fire.

'She must be some type of enchanter'

The figures wore white cloaks pulled over their head, which were secured using a triangle button. Their masks were shaped like strange bird beaks with holes on either side to see though. As he watched the battle, he noticed that despite her efforts, the human was losing to the cloaked figures.

This was not his fight and it was none of his business what was going on...besides he had to find the Owl Lady. As he was about to turn away from the fight he heard another scream and turned back to see that the masked figures had fully overpowered the human.

'This is not your fight, this is not your fight. You do not know what is going on, and you do not need to get involved,' he told himself.

He bit his lip as he watched the mask figures getting closer and closer to the human. 'Gah. Songs damn it,' he thought as he rushed into the clearing they were fighting in.

The guards were turned toward the human unaware of the Deathsingers presence, which made it easier as he ran in. He smacked the middle one with the flat of his blade and the figure crumpled to the ground as the second one turned around and drew a circle in the air. Flames blasted from the circle which Ingressus narrowly avoided. He whipped around and stabbed the person that had thrown the fire at him in the shoulder, causing him collapse to the ground.

One of the remaining cloaked figures made a similar circle in the air and a purple monster rose from the ground. Before Ingressus had time to process it, the monster smacked him backward, leaving behind a trail of purple goo on his chest. Ingressus got up again and ran forward stabbing it through the chest with his sword, activating the flame enchantment.

The creature seemed unaffected as it started towards him again. Ingressus yanked his sword out and cut its head off, causing it to fall to the ground. He ran towards the human and stood in front of her, deactivating the flames on his sword.

The human girl stood up and pulled out some pieces of paper, waving them threateningly. The remaining ones looked at them unsure of what to do before the one that Ingresus had stabbed in the shoulder spoke up.


The remaining figures ran back into the woods as Ingressus deactivated the enchantment. He turned to stare at the human and then turned on his heel and started walking away, not saying a word. The human looked surprised and rushed after him.

"Hey! You just saved my life and you're not even going to tell me your name?"

"No, what is it to you...I have more important matters to attend to human."

He tried to quicken his pace but the human caught up to him, Stubborn I see.

"Well can I help you then?"

"I am afraid there's nothing you can do human" he paused before thing "That is unless you know where I might find someone called 'The Owl Lady?'"

"Oh you mean Eda! I know her! I live with her and she's training me to be a witch." The human said brightening considerably. Ingressus stopped so suddenly that the human walked a few paces ahead of him before she turned back

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