Chapter 9 ~ dinner date ~

Start from the beginning

"I got hard to someone who looks like my best fucking friend, my mind is all over the fucking place bro, I swear I've never seen you in that way so why should I be seeing him in that way, I don't get it and I'm so fucking confused" Nate shouted.

"chill bro, right look at it this way, it's like when your shopping for a new laptop, you might find two that look identical and you like them both but one of them will have added features that is better suited for your needs ... it's just the way it is,

Dean and I might look similar but we're different on so many levels and where you might like me as a best friend, he ticks all the boxes for you on a romantic level, does that make any sense at all?" Hayden said.

"it does make sense but the fact still remains that you guys look alike" Nate said.

"then how about this" Hayden said,

he grabbed Nate and pulled him forward into a tight embrace then holding his chin secure he kissed him ...

"mmm what the fuck" Nate said struggling then managed to push Hayden away before wiping the back of his hand across his mouth.

"Hayden, fucking hell bro" he continued, his face screwed up in disgust.

"see, I rest my case and don't you ever fucking tell Dominic that I kissed you" Hayden said feeling a bit nauseous himself at what he'd just done.

Tears sprang to Nate's eyes, all the pent up emotions of the past few days coming to a head and the fact that Hayden was prepared to do this much to help his best friend,

"I won't ever tell bro" Nate sobbed.

"come on, cheer up now, I didn't mean to make you cry" Hayden said.

"it's not you, it's ... I fucking love you man, just so you know" Nate replied.

"I know it, I love you too bro but not in that way you understand" Hayden laughed and ruffled Nate's hair.

"yeah, I know" Nate said wiping his tears away using his sleeve.

"so tell me how things are going with my billionaire lookalike" Hayden asked.

"he's taking me out to dinner tonight, I wasn't sure whether or not to go but after what just happened, there's no reason not to" Nate said.

"great, where is he taking you?" Hayden asked.

"I have no idea, just that he's picking me up here at 6.30pm"

"right, I want all the juicy details afterwards but I need to go now or Dom' will be throwing a bitch fit"

"he loves you bro" Nate smiled.

"that he does, ok, I'm outta here, have a great evening Nate and don't forget to call me" Hayden said as he was leaving.

"I won't Hayden and ... thank you bro, for everything" Nate said.

"what are friends for Nate" Hayden said before heading out of the door and Nate was alone yet again but this time it was as if the pressure of the last few days had lifted and he suddenly felt so light and free.

Washing his mug and plate, he went back into the bathroom to rinse his face and then set off to work. The day seemed to pass quickly and was uneventful for the most part and then he left at six to rush home and shower.

After styling his hair and adding a splash of after shave he dressed in navy blue pants, a white shirt with a navy tie and he wore a teal jacket with navy colored buttons then looking at his watch he saw it was 6.20pm.

He wasn't sure whether to wait here or go down to the parking lot but in the end he decided to go downstairs. He felt anxious, his heart was pounding and his hands felt clammy and when he reached the car park he discovered that Dean was already waiting.

He was leaning casually on the hood of his car with his arms folded then he smiled when he saw Nate walking towards him.

"good evening baby" he said.

"hi" Nate replied.

Dean came over to Nate and placed his hand on Nate's lower back as he helped him into the car before climbing in the drivers side.

"did you have a good day?" Dean asked.

"mmm, did you?" Nate asked.

"better for knowing I was seeing you tonight" Dean smiled.

Nate noticed that Dean was dressed similarly and after they had set off he asked Dean where they were going?

"I thought we could try a nice little Italian place someone told me about, is that ok with you?" Dean asked.

"yes, I love Italian food"

"excellent" Dean smiled and they chatted amicably while Dean expertly navigated the busy traffic.

Once they arrived at the restaurant they were shown to a quiet booth where after much deliberation they ordered a chilled, crisp, white wine and a starter of crispy fried calamari on a bed of lettuce then for their main they chose seafood marinara, they would consider dessert later on.

The wine was delicious, the crispy calamari was so light and flavoursome and when the seafood marinara was served in huge bowls, Nate asked Dean if he could take a selfie of them both.

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't baby" Dean said as he leaned forward to get into the frame.

"are you enjoying yourself?" Dean asked afterwards.

"how can I not, the food, everything is wonderful" Nate smiled.

"what about the company" Dean asked smiling.

"well, beggars can't be choosers" Nate laughed.

"why you little ....." Dean said reaching over to grab Nate who evaded his clutches while giggling.

"I'm just messing with you Dean, you know that" Nate said in all seriousness.

"I know baby, you seem happier, lighter than the last few times we talked, did something good happen?" Dean asked.

"mmm you could say that" Nate said evasively.

Realising that he wasn't going to elucidate, Dean shrugged, he was just grateful that Nate was here with him and was happy, they were having a wonderful evening and the night was young.


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