Chapter 1: The meeting

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   ((Your POV throughout))
    I worked in the dark hallways of the Dark Cacao Castle, doing my duty as a maid and lugging my equipment behind me. I had just been employed to work in the castle to provide for my poor family, and being a maid in the Castle had helped me familiarise with my surroundings.
     Suddenly, I smelled... Was that incense? It smelled sweet, and had a certain indescribable but enchanting quality to it. Curious, I followed the smell to its origin.
    I quickly found the cause of the smell, and indeed it was incense. However, I saw a Cookie I vaguely remember. "Oh, hello there..." The Cookie spoke. His voice was as smooth as silk and sweet as honey, yet I could detect a little bit of poison in his words. Now, I remembered his name. "Lord Affogato Cookie." I bow down to the Cookie, the King's right-hand man.

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