Chapter 7

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(Skyla) *waking up in bed* ow my head

(Andrew) *setting glass of water on table stand* here drink this

(Skyla) thank you *drinking water* Andrew?

(Andrew) yes?

(Skyla) what happened last night?

(Andrew) well you got wasted while you were hanging out with Owen and stumbled onto a bench acting as if you could reach the stars

(Skyla) so nothing too bad

(Andrew) you should see your lip if you think it wasn't too bad

(Skyla) my lip? *walking up to mirror* shit

(Andrew) I have a question about something last night

(Skyla) yes? Did I say or do something last night?

(Andrew) you mentioned you wishing you could find your mom, what happened to her?

(Skyla) I'm an orphan, our mother gave us up so I grew up with the nuns with my sister once I was eighteen I took on college class to be a helper with my sister it's her dream to join the sisters so she can find our mother

(Andrew) I'm so sorry for you

(Noah) WHERE IS HE!!??

(Skyla) oh shit

(Andrew) Noah's awake

(Skyla) I should go apologize *running to Noah's room* Noah

(Noah) This was your doing!? *pointing at mark on forhead*

(Skyla) *walking up to noah* oh shit I didn't know I did that Noah I'm so sorry

(Noah) *smacking hands on shelf pinning skyla* look at me! Look what people will say *smacking shelf*

*trophie shaking*

(Skyla) I'm so sorry Noah this is my fault I didn't mean for this to happen I was drunk

(Noah) This is *hitting shelf*

*trophie falling hitting skylas head*

(Skyla) *unconscious on floor*

(Noah) shit *picking up trophie* shit

(Jack) Noah what's all the ruckus? *entering room* what are you doing!?

(Andrew) *enters behind with owen and Harper*

(Noah) it's not what it looks like *dropping trophie*

(Harper) *running over to skyla* skyler skyler wake up

(Jack) we have to get him to the hospital *picking up skyla*

(Noah) shit

(Jack) *running out with skyla and harper*

(Owen) what did you do to him?

(Noah) nothing I did nothing my hands hit the shelf and the trophie fell hitting his head

(Andrew) let's get the car and follow behind Jack and Harper to make sure he's ok

(Owen) good idea

- hospital -

(Harper) guys Jack needs you to stay in the waiting room please while they check on skyler

(Andrew) common Owen will sit here

(Noah) I'm going to run to the bathroom *walking down hall*

(Jack) nurse how is she?

(Noah) "she?" *walking around corner*

(Nurse) she's fine it was only a minor concussion she should be fine, the bandage over the cut will heal and their should be no issues for her to perform

(Jack) thank you nurse thank you doctor

(Nurse) it's our job to help we do love the members of heartthrob

(Noah) "skylers a girl?"

(Skyla) *walking to jack* Jack

(Jack) thank goodness your ok

(Skyla) my head hurts but I'll be fine

(Jack) that damn Noah did he hurt you anywhere else?

(Skyla) no I'm fine

(Jack) well let's get you to the others skyla their worried sick

(Skyla) alright

(Noah) "skyla" *walking back to waiting room*

(Owen) hey Noah Jack and skyler are coming

(Andrew) how is he?

(Jack) only a minor concussion but he should be fine for now your on bed rest before the photoshoot Monday

(Skyla) alright

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