Chapter 6

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(Skyla) *walking around drunk to terrace* party

(Owen) huh skyler wondered off

(Andrew) where?

(Owen) the terrace

(Noah) he's probably wasted because you shoved beers in his face

(Owen) it was only four

(Andrew) they had high levels of alcohol I'm still on my first

(Noah) third sorta wasted

(Owen) let's go see skyler

(Skyla) *climbing onto bench* I can touch the stars

(Noah) what in the world

(Owen) *reaching arm up* huh it looks like you could

(Skyla) their so close I can wish for you mom

(Owen) mom?

(Skyla) can I meet you mom? I wish I could

(Andrew) skyler doesn't know his mother?

(Skyla) I'm free here *turning around quickly* I'm

(Noah) skyler

(Skyla) woah *slipping*

(Andrew) *reaching out to catch skyla*

(Owen) *reaching out to catch skyla*

(Noah) *reaching out to catch skyla*

(Skyla) *falling headbutting mouth onto Noah's forhead*

(Noah) *falling back hitting head*

(Skyla) *passed out*

(Owen) shit

(Andrew) this won't be good here you carry Noah on your back I'll carry skyler

(Owen) alright

(Andrew) *holding skylas arm over shoulder* common man get a grip

(Owen) *carrying Noah over back* we have to get them out before anyone sees us

(Skyla) *falling forward to Andrew*

(Andrew) careful *holding skyla*

(Owen) do you got him?

(Andrew) yeah you go ahead *hand sitting on skylas chest looking at skylas face*

(Owen) alright *walking holding noah*

(Andrew) *lifting skyla in arms* who are you?

(Skyla) mom

- bedroom -

(Andrew) *laying skyla onto bed* you're a girl *moving blanket on skyla*

(Skyla) *hugging pillow*

(Owen) hey Andrew a little help in here

(Andrew) *running to bedroom* what is it?

(Owen) he won't let go

(Andrew) *pulling Noah off owen* common man it's time to lay down

(Noah) my head

(Andrew) he'll need an ice pack for that it's only a small bruise as well as some of skylers blood

(Owen) I'm sorry I got the guy so wasted

(Andrew) it's fine no one saw him drunk

(Owen) I wanted the guy to have fun besides he's new to the group so it would be nice to have him here to party with

(Andrew) it makes sense

(Noah) *wrapped up in blanket*

(Andrew) will call it a night and discuss things in the morning

(Owen) sounds good

(Andrew) goodnight

(Owen) goodnight

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