Chapter thirteen: a much needed assurance

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A comfortable silence was lingering in the air and the sound of soft snores could be heard from the room.


Bright sunrays fell on the couple sleeping, one of them sitting on the stool with his head placed on the hospital bed and the other one sleeping peacefully while holding the shorter person's hand in a tight grasp. As if scared of losing the other. They were wrapped in their own love bubble with no disturbance and interruption but that wasn't for long as the area was invaded by some individuals.

"Jiminie hyung i-"

Jungkook paused on seeing the two sleeping peacefully, Jin and hobi who were standing beside him cooed at the beautiful scene.

"Looks like our ship is sailing right Jin hyung" hobi chirped,
The duo started giggling like fangirls receiving a side eye from the bunny beside them. They were interrupted by the footsteps approaching them.

"Why are you guys standing here like that"
Glancing at the back they found Yoongi and Namjoon standing there.

"You guys are also here" Jin asked in surprise, giving a hug to Namjoon.

"We came to visit taehyung," an uninterested Yoongi said glancing at the sleeping couple, he was a little shocked to find taehyung sleeping soundly.

"We are here to see Jimin" hobi said giving his sunshine smile, blinding Yoongi with the brightness emitting from him. 'how can someone be this cheerful.'

The commotion in the room reached the sleeping duo waking them up from their deep slumber. Both of them gazed at the people who were talking with each other. Jimin noticed his hand which was tightly held by taehyung he tried to retract it but the taller wasn't releasing it anytime soon.

"They woke up, how are you guys" Jin moved near them checking for any injuries, all of them stood near the bed. Yoongi although had an uninterested look on his face but in reality he was hell worried about taehyung from the time he heard of the lift accident.

"Smile a little or you will make them feel as if you are unhappy at their survival"

"At least I am not smiling like i would blind everyone from the brightness like you"

Yoongi finished his words receiving an angry glare from hobi. Jimin was amazed by so many people standing there.

"Hyung who is he" jimin pointed towards the guy who somewhat reminded him of a cat, a non friendly cat to be specific.

"Ohh i forget some people need introduction here okay so jimin this person here is Min Yoongi, my boyfriend's friend and even taehyung's friend and Yoongi this Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook and Jung ho seok my friends"

"You can also call me hobi"

Yoongi rolled his eyes at that.

"Nice to meet you all"
Yoongi's monotone voice was a little scary but all over he was cute.

"How did this happen" Namjoon asked coming straight to the point.

"Well just some problem with the lift, it will be repaired soon."

Taehyung who was silent for the whole time was playing with Jimin's finger comparing them with his own.

"Your pinky is so small against mine" he blurted out, jimin whose attention was on others glanced at the figure who just insulted his fingers snatching his hand from taehyung's grasp, he hid his hands not wanting to be more embarrassed than he already was. Taehyung pouted at the loss of contact.

"Anyways it's cute, love"

Taehyung said making the flustered person turn into a red tomato, others who were watching the scene just accepted their fate of being a third wheel.

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