A third option

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A/n: our queen Jia deserves a happy ending, I'm done playing with yall

The sentence Jia had said into her microphone caused quite the uproar, getting the attention of the board members around the table, especially Haechan who was right across from her.

"Please continue"

"As of recently...I have no intention of remaining with the company. I would like all board members to take that into consideration when casting their votes" she said, making whispers and gasps erupt among the directors who were shocked to hear the news, even Haechan who really didn't see it coming.

"May we ask why?" One of the board members asked

"For personal reasons, I have already discussed my resignation with the current CEO" She answered

"And we have accepted the resignation and will process it immediately once we have decided on an outcome from this mee-"

"This is unacceptable." The man who she was previously speaking to outside spoke up

"It leaves us with only one option for CEO, how can a vote be casted fairly?" Another director asked

"The company's legacy has always been passed down between the family...the outcome was predetermin-"

"I don't think that's very fair. Looking at the credentials here, Jiayi seems to be more fitting for the role as the CEO of this company" the man spoke, cutting Haechan's grandfather off. A thick silence grew in the room again, as they reached for their glasses of water, talking between themselves

"For the last month I've been working with Haechan under my supervision and I'm confident he has what it takes to be a very good CEO for this company. As long as he's supported by the CFO and CMO I don't see how it could be problematic" Jia spoke, placing a vite of confidence on Haechan and he smiled from across the table warmly at her words, one which she returned

"Lee Haechan, Xiao Jiayi, could you both kindly leave the room while the board members discuss their options again?" The Chairman asked and the two nodded, standing up to their feet before heading out the door, closing it behind them before they both exhaled.

"You're quitting?" Haechan asked, hands in his pockets as he looked at her warily

"Yeah...but it doesn't matter, like I said, you'll do amazing" she responded with a smile

"You didn't have to do that" Haechan said with a sigh, leaning back against the wall as they both waited patiently to be called back in

"I wanted to. You're capable" she answered

"They don't seem too happy with me" Haechan said

"I heard you fired Yuki too" he said, changing the topic into a lighter one to keep their minds off it

"Yeah...she was annoying" She said with a smile

"Just admit you were jealous, we should atleast be honest with each other, for old times sake" Haechan chuckled

"That's not why! She's the reason we got caught in the first place" She said and he nodded

"Even if you didn't fire her, I would've" he said smiling back at her, the two almost reminiscing their time together. They were eventually called back into the conference room, taking their seats again, a new and more tense atmosphere in the room now.

"The board have expressed their concerns regarding the selection process for the new CEO and the shareholders have highlighted that they would like to see a third option. Now Jiayi if you are willing to retract your resignation and remain with the company, the board are willing to collectively vote in favour of opening a COO position, chief operations officer of Hansung Corp." the chairman said making her eyes widen, looking at the other board members who were in favour of this approach

"The CEO and COO need to work in partnership with each other regarding the business, we feel that this makes the most sense given that your knowledge and experience makes up for Haechan's lack of it and Haechan's connections and family name makes up Jiayi's lack of it" one of the board members stated

"The CEO will handle more of the investments and bigger projects while the COO will handle more of the day to day running of the business, reporting to and advising CEO who will make the final call...of course all of this is only given if you are in favour of this yourself. If not, the board has agreed to schedule this meeting to a later date" the chairman explained

"Jia this is a really good deal" Jeno whispered from beside her and she turned her head to look at his pleading eyes, almost begging her to take the job and make sure she was getting a fair opportunity. Her expression softened as she met Jeno's pure eyes, always holding her best interest at heart. She turned to face Haechan who seemed more than happy with the suggestion from the board

"What's your opinion on all this?" She asked him

"This is a horrible idea, they won't be able to—"

"I think it's an amazing suggestion, and would be very happy to continue working with you" Haechan stated, talking over his grandfather who was clearly outnumbered

"Noted. Jiayi, are you in favour of this proposition?" The chairman asked and she blinked, pinching herself almost to make sure she wasn't dreaming

"Yes" she answered, a smile breaking out onto her face as she turned to the board member who was the most fond of her and defended her the most in this meeting

"Then it's settled. The majority of the board has voted in favour of the following, Lee Haechan, you are now the chief executive officer of Hansung Corp., and Xiao Jiyai, you have been promoted to the position of Chief Operations Officer of Hansung Corp. Meeting adjourned." The chairman spoke, standing up and the others followed suit.

"Did that just happen?" Jia whispered to Jeno who stood up beside her

"Congratulations" he smiled, extending his hand out for her to shake and she chuckled, shaking his hand

"You owe me a dinner" she chuckled, remembering their promises as interns to buy each other a meal when they both got promoted to their chief positions in the company. He nodded, letting out a slight chuckle before he turned his head to greet the others

"So I'll see you Monday?" She turned around to see Haechan behind her, hand outstretched towards her and she chuckled, shaking his hand firmly

"Yes sir"

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