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"Oh my god seriously?"

"Yeah girl! Like seriously she seems so stuck up and arrogant"

"Right, I remember she used to mess up so much during her intern days, the old boss would literally slap her every two days for doing the dumbest shit"

"I heard she didn't even get promoted...she applied for the role like...they probably didn't even want her but no one else was good enough"

"Like why even bother becoming a manager if she can't even treat people with basic respect? She seems so incompetent"

"And remember that fucking slip up she pulled a month ago? The rest of us are suffering and pulling all nighters because of her mistake! She used to be so quiet and reserved but now she literally thinks she's above us"

"And get this, she texted me after she left yesterday and apologised for blowing up and getting angry at me"

"I mean...atleast she apologised...?"

"Why even act in such a way we're you would have to apologise. She's meant to be a role model right?"

The words of Yuki and two other girls that Jia used to work with when she was an employee hit harder than she expected as she found herself locked in the bathroom stall listening to their conversation as the three girls powered their faces.

The chatter eventually died down as the group left the bathroom and Jia's jaw finally unclenched when she realised she was all alone now. She walked out of the stall and looked at her reflection, seeing the puffy eyes from crying most last night still there. After she heard the conversation between Haechan and Yuki she was quick to pack her bags and go, telling Jeno she felt sick knowing he would understand the most, and ignoring Haechan's texts regarding her whereabouts.

And here was in the bathroom. She came in early for her shift, and decided to do some thinking but instead she found herself in a stall listening to toxic remarks about her that weren't even true. Jia was never afraid of rumours, she jjst wished people would get their facts straight first but boy was she going to fact check real hard tonight.

She felt her blood boil as she stared into her reflection in the mirror, scoffing at the irony of what the girls in their non stop rumours about her. One blow up, she had one tiny outburst and now she opened a flood of negativity and questions about her incompetence as a manager. She couldn't even be a human, having to be the bigger and better person all the fucking time.

"Kwon Yuki...you want to see incompetence? I'll show you incompetence" she said almost menacingly, allowing her anger to boil in her system, eyes raging with determination. If one tiny blow up had them talking about her, she was now sure as hell gonna give them something worth talking about.

Her heels clicked against the floor as she walked down the hallway to her office. She was dressed formally for the nightshift that allowed casual dressing, black flowy suit pants with a satin tank top, paired with a thick black blazer paired with her slick straight her made her look like she was the devil reincarnated. Bold red lipstick to accentuate her attitude and she did all this because she knew she wouldn't be taken seriously with sweats and tee. If she wanted respect, she needs to show people who to respect first.

She found herself walking back down the hallway, several files in her grip as fury resonated against each click of the black stiletto against the marble floor. Haechan appeared out of the corner, and you think this would've stopped her but it only made her more infuriated. As if her anger didn't already want to make her explode like a volcano, she was gonna be fucking pompeii at this rate.


"Move." She said, not sparing him a glance as she walked past him, no sense of emotion laced in her voice and Haechan almost shuddered at the sudden cold shoulder. He followed her footsteps to see what had her in such a mood.

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