06 | Overwhelmed with Love

Start from the beginning

After a while, however, Hanni broke away from her and pulled a thread of saliva with her. Yes, the kiss had it all. Danielle looked over at Hanni, cheeks flushed and completely helpless, as her best friend licked her own lips. Shit, her face was so hot that even her glasses were fogged up. Hanni had a big grin on her face and by now she was also giving Danielle her space again as she took her hands back, "Work is calling, we better not waste any time ~" Of course, as if Hanni cared about work! She walked back to the door and unlocked it, leaving Danielle standing there and winking at her before stepping out of the room. To her surprise, she immediately bumped into two familiar faces coming around the corner. Clearly too late, they were Minji and Haerin, who were now both looking at Hanni in confusion. "One for me, zero for you, bitches." She gave them a wink too and skipped confidently over to her desk.

This only caused more confusion for the two of them. They tilted their heads one step further into the room, where they could now clearly see exactly what Hanni meant. Danielle was standing in front of the photocopier, completely flustered and unable to operate it properly. Both women's eyes narrowed as they realized what had happened and met each other's. Hmph - they both turned away from each other and went their separate ways. Minji disappeared into her office and Haerin now sat at her own desk, which was directly opposite Danielle's. "Jesus," with one hand Danielle started waving some air at herself because she was fucking burning up with heat.

| After Work, Lee-Marsh Apartment |

The rest of the working day was less eventful than Danielle would have thought. None of the three had even dared to make another approach and left the secretary alone. Even Haerin barely spoke to her, even though she was sitting directly opposite her. On top of that, Haerin was always supposed to get or bring something for Minji. It was as if Danielle was suddenly non-existent and no longer Minji's secretary. Somehow... somehow that didn't feel so great, to be honest. Had they already given up? Or were they mad at her because she and Hanni had kissed? That wasn't their fault at all! AND WHY WAS DANIELLE WORRIED!!!? The whole thing is really fucked up. She never wanted anyone to feel wronged because of her. Secretly, Danielle always tried to treat everyone equally and value them, but that turned out to be much harder than she would have liked.

Fortunately, she had some peace and quiet for the time being. She was sitting comfortably on her couch with the TV on, a bowl of potato chips on the table and a nice-smelling cup of tea right next to it. Danielle wanted to end the evening with positive thoughts, which is why she didn't tell Hyein about what had happened at work today. Otherwise she would just end up asking her an endless number of questions without a break. No, she preferred to sit here with her and enjoy the movie they were watching together. It was much better that way, after all, it was Danielle's worries that she had to deal with, so she didn't have to discuss them with her sister. She already had enough on her plate. But apparently she really wasn't allowed to enjoy it, because the doorbell rang and Danielle turned her attention to Hyein: "Are we expecting a visitor?" The latter shook her head, visibly unaware of who it might be. Hyein got up and simply went to open the door and Danielle followed her with her gaze.

Visibly pleased with the person in front of her, a smile jumped onto Hyein's face, "Haerin, hi, how are you?" Yep, it was indeed Kang Haerin standing there and she was indeed dressed only in her pajamas. Well it shouldn't be surprising, both Hyein and Danielle were also in their pajamas and it was already relatively late. Haerin, however, only looked over at Hyein and was silent. Determination shone in her eyes and Hyein didn't know how to react at the moment when Haerin simply pushed her way through between the door and her. Danielle was listening, of course, and realized that it was her, and when she found herself in the middle of her living room, their eyes met. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Visibly confused by her sudden appearance, Danielle was still sitting on the couch, staring at Haerin, who just stared back. But it wasn't just a battle of glances, Haerin made her way over to her and was now standing right in front of Danielle. "H-Haerin?" she tried to get an answer from her, but she just kept getting that silent look. Hyein now came back around the corner and looked over at the two of them, also far too confused about the situation. Suddenly Haerin sat down on Danielle's lap, pressed her against the back of the couch with both hands on her shoulders and stared even more intensely into her eyes. "Oh shit," Hyein knew immediately what was coming and she raised her hands in front of her face, leaving a gap between her fingers so that she could still see something. And once again, once more, Danielle's heart began to beat in a fast rhythm as she looked into Haerin's eyes. Her face was clearly too close to hers and she could feel Haerin's hands on her cheeks.

Danielle closed her eyes and as expected, she was invited in for another kiss. Haerin leaned against her, kissing her with a passion you wouldn't have expected at first. It felt very different than with Hanni, but it was just as good. Danielle didn't know what hit her, but she reacted much faster this time and returned the kiss she was given. Haerin was greedy, she clearly wanted Danielle all to herself and she had been planning this since she heard what had happened in the office. She nipped Danielle's lip, ran her tongue over it and demanded entrance and she got it. Haerin dominated her, intimidated her... but in a good way? She clearly knew what she wanted and she got it without fear of consequences. Danielle's mind was already clouding over again and all she could think about was that kiss. But it also ended after a while and just like the last one, a thread of saliva joined their lips. Haerin stood up, dragged her tongue across her own lips and moved towards the entrance. But before she disappeared from the apartment completely, she turned back to Danielle: "...you're mine." Both Hyein and Danielle were completely flabbergasted. This day had really been a tough one and now Danielle wasn't even safe in her own home! The whole thing was really getting too much for her. .


Author: Alright. One Point for Hanni and Haerin, but what about Minji huh? You think, she has also planned something? Who knows, let's just see what will happen next ♪

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