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"Don't you have a phone call with boss?"

Dazai froze as he heard the words come out of Chuuya's mouth. He completely forgot. He nodded, still sucking into his lollipop.

That pedophile could wait a bit more, Dazai had more important business, like finishing his lollipop.

"Then why are you still fucking sitting? You know boss doesn't like to wait." Chuuya rolled his blue eyes at him and Dazai pouted, surrendering and getting off the couch.

"Fiiiine." He whined and started walking to the bedroom.

He walked into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Mori would usually want them in a call together, but the lolicon wanted Dazai only this time.

He just hoped it wasn't something stupid.

He opened the phone they only used for conversations like this and typed in the password quickly, as quick as he could a sixty-seven digit password.

Mori totally over did it this time.

He sighed as he saw all the missed calls from Mori, he was only late for four minutes darn it. he pressed one of the notifications and called Mori back.

He didn't like touch-screen phones, he prefered flip-phones, much more fun and practical in his opinion, but he has to make do.

He didn't even wait a single ring before Mori answered his call, he scoffed. This man never changed.

"Dazai-kun! You are late again, why did you not answer my calls!" Dazai could imagine the way he was pouting right now. And this was supposed to be a grown ass man.

"Sorry Mori-san, I had much more important stuff to do." He answered, his voice as sassy as always when he talked with the man.

"Like what? What could be more important to you?"

"Like anything other than talking to a pervert on the phone, Mori-san."

"So mean.. Dazai-kun.." the boss of the port mafia whined, Dazai just giggled quietly to his misery.

"Yeah yeah, get to the topic fast please, Mori-san." Dazai said, pouting as he felt the torturous aches in his lower stomach. He hated his life.

Dazai heard Mori clear his throat before he began to speak,

"So, as I understood from your reports, Dazai-kun, there isn't much to 1-B?" Mori's voice was more serious now.

"Yes, they do have potential to become great heroes but as of now its apparent the LOV is not focusing on them, there is not a traitor in 1-B." Dazai stated the information he got from his four days of experience in 1B.

"Hm.. so I'm guessing the traitor is in 1-A then?"

"I'm sure its in 1-A. I just don't know who yet, I was not able to observe the class much, but Chuuya has some people he is suspicious of."

"Hm, great great.. too bad UA still has no idea they have a traitor under their noses." Mori chuckled before continuing,

"Since observing class 1-B alone is way too easy of a job for you I have another mission for you, Dazai-kun."

"I'm listening."

"You will be infiltrating LOV along with 1-B."


"Uwahh~" Dazai yawned as he stepped into the living room. Chuuya was sitting on the couch, staring at the TV with uninterested eyes when he arrived.

He must've been talking with Mori for a while.

Chuuya's eyes moved to him, he scowled at Dazai.

Soukoku Goes To UA! [Bsd X Mha]Where stories live. Discover now