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Arahabaki as a god wasn't really fond of people taking away his 'belongings'.

Before Chuuya joined The Port Mafia, Arahabaki didn't show his protective side, he just annoyed Chuuya and insulted The Sheep.

But now, Arahabaki was having a fit seeing Dazai eating with his newly found classmates.

"Dude, are you okay?" Kaminari's voice took him away from his thoughts. He turned back at his group of friends,

"Yeah, why?" He said, taking another bite from his lunch.

"I dunno.. you have been glaring at that brown haired guy and his friends for a while.." Mina said, pointing at Dazai and his 'friends'. Chuuya ignored the feeling of j̶e̶a̶l̶o̶u̶s̶y̶ annoyance he felt as he got the view a ginger haired girl trying to make Dazai eat more.

That was supposed to be his duty, not some other girl's, who Dazai didn't even know for a full day.

He was supposed to be the one to nag Dazai until he ate the minimum amount to stay alive.

He didn't even notice that he started glaring again.

"And... here we go again." Mina groaned.

"You are doing it again, Chuuya-Bro.. Why do you keep glaring at Dazai?" Kirishima said, making Mina and Kaminari turn their attention to him.

"Ah? Dazai? I think I met the dude in the enterance exams.." Kaminari said, turning to the direction of Dazai. He got up from the seat, having already finished his meal, he started walking towards the brunette and his friends.

"Oi! Idiot! Where are you going!?" Chuuya got up after him, accidently gaining the attention of Dazai and his peers.

"Oh! Chibi!" Dazai said, his playful voice made Chuuya realise that they were already in front of the table Dazai and his friends were sitting at.

Speaking of Dazai's friends they were looking at him and Kaminari like they grew a second head.

"Aren't you two from 1-A? What are you doing in here?!" The blonde one said, yet Chuuya didn't really pay attention to his barking.

Dazai got up from his seat, still grinning.

"Hi Kaminari-Kun!" He said, gaining a smile from Kaminari

"Hi dude! Its nice to see that you got in!" Kaminari said, Dazai nodded at him and turned to Chuuya.

From the moment Chuuya got a glance at Dazai's expression, he knew that he would get teased.

"Awe? Did my dog miss me?" Dazai said, giggling at him, he took Chuuya's hands in his, smiling at him.

"Shut the fuck up mackarel." Chuuya snarled at him, trying his best to stop himself from blushing.

"Are you going to introduce your friends to us, Dazai?" The other ginger in their presence said, undeservingly gaining Dazai's attention. If the girl was focused on Chuuya, she would see his blue eyes burning with annoyance.

Chuuya could hear Arahabaki's screams of anger, but he ignored him as usual.

He was already annoyed, he really didn't need an enraged god's screams to horrible things to the girl.

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